Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Season Three Tonight...

Yeah, I'm late to the party, I know. But as a reminder, Season Three of Top Shots starts tonight:

(pic from website)

I know some refer to it as "as the cartridge turns", but I like it for the same reason Robb does - anything that makes shooting and the shooting sports more "mainstream" is a good thing IMHO. Top Shots puts shooting and shooting sports on a level more people can understand - the so-called "reality" show. The guns and shooting become secondary to the drama, which might make the shooters cringe, but in reality it means that they've become less of a shock feature than the personalities of the contestants.

Just like any other interest, actually...

That is all.


Lokidude said...

Like powder through the measure, these are the guns of our lives?

I'm going to make a point of watching this season, not being a slacker like I was during season 2.

North said...

I'll be a part of the live blogging here: http://bellsaringing.blogspot.com/2011/08/top-shot-season-3-premier.html