Thursday, September 22, 2011

Doing The Heavy Lifting...

Linoge has performed a herculean task of sifting through crime data to sum it up in one handy graph. This is a followup to an earlier post detailing deaths related to firearms, and both are continuations of ongoing work he's done in previous years. In a nutshell, he's shown a negative correlation between the number of firearms available in society and the crime rate - simpler put, guns are not causing crimes.

To all sane, thinking people this sounds an awful lot like "water is wet" - of course inanimate objects cannot cause people to do anything. However, the anti-freedom movement would have us believe that it is the availability of firearms that causes crime, as evidenced by their stubborn belief that restricting access to firearms to those who would obey the laws anyways will somehow magically reduce crime.

Well, as Linoge illustrates in spades, they quite frankly are full of s**t. As the number of guns increases, the number of crimes committed with firearms decreases - in direct, polar opposition to their vociferous claims. Despite their most fervent wishes, letting the Assault Weapons Ban expire and expanding concealed carry has not resulted in blood running freely in the streets - if anything, the opposite has happened: crime rates are falling as criminals realize that they are not the only ones carrying arms...

I know, I know; gun-grabbers lying is like the sun coming up in the east, but at least now we've got some cold, hard facts to hit back with courtesy of Linoge.

That is all.


Marty said...


No "Blood in the Streets"!?

They promised Blood. In. The. Streets...

Bubblehead Les. said...

It takes a Open Mind capable of Logic and Reasoning to digest, process and understand the Facts. Remember, you dealing with ...."Humans" who follow Algore's reasoning: "The Debate is CLOSED."

Stretch said...

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on. - Sir Winston Spencer Churchill

justcook said...

Number of physicians in the US = 700,000
Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year = 120,000
Accidental deaths per physician = 0.171

Number of gun owners in the US = 80,000,000
Number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups) = 1,500
Accidental deaths per gun owner = 0.0000188

Therefore, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.

Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US,
• 12,000 ----unnecessary surgery
• 7,000 -----medication errors in hospitals
• 20,000 ----other errors in hospitals
• 80,000 ----infections in hospitals
• 106,000 ---non-error, negative effects of drugs
These total to 250,000 deaths per year from iatrogenic causes!! (iatrogenic is defined as induced in a patient by a physician's activity, manner, or therapy. Used especially of a complication of treatment).
Causing 250,000 Deaths Every Year
Maybe we should have a three day waiting period for getting a Doctor?
Its all about the numbers and how you look at numbers. What age do you become an "adult" 18, 21 what age. Most people would say it's 18, you can vote, sign a contract, make your own medical decisions, those are adult decisions. So lets look at the numbers, and age brackets used. It will be a lot clearer then I think.
If you understand the age brackets they Gun Grabber use it makes it a little clear that they are padding the numbers on "childern Killed" The standard CDC bracket is 0-19 years of age. Now including 18 and 19 year olds doubles the number of deaths. More "chlod deaths means more gun control support.
In 2007 there were 1520 gun deaths in the 0 through 17 age group (out of 74,340,127 children) and 3067 gun deaths in the 0 through 19 age group. By subtraction we find that there were a whopping 1547 gun deaths in just the 18 through 19 age group. In other words, in 2007 most "child gun death victims" were actually adults. Historically the 18 through 24 age group is the highest crime-committing group. At age 18 part-time drug dealers leave school and become full-time drug dealers. Despite the propaganda from the gun control lobby, criminals in general and drug dealers in particular are the group of so-called children most likely to be shot by their fellow criminals. You can verify this by reading the local gun death news stories in any city newspaper. School shootings are so rare that every one gets national television coverage, but drug dealers are shot so often that they are barely mentioned in their local newspaper. So is the glass half full or half empty? I say an 18 year old criminal is and adult not a child. Act like a big thug get counted as a big thug

Linoge said...

And remember the most important part - no matter what the numbers say, these are our rights we are talking about. Would we, or anyone else, support slavery if it was shown to improve crime rates? Then why is it acceptable to abridge other individual rights for similar (and equally mythical) reasons?