Thursday, September 22, 2011

Goin' Off the Rails on the Chicom Train...

PISSED sends in this lovely story from our wonderful (SARCASM) state:

Mass. firm on Orient express
Just days after Chinese competition drove California solar-panel maker Solyndra into bankruptcy despite $535 million in government loan guarantees, Westboro tech firm Boston-Power is shifting its focus to China.

The battery maker intends to announce plans today to team up with a Beijing investor and use massive Chinese government aid to build a factory in the Asian nation.

The move comes two years after the Obama administration rejected Boston-Power’s bid for a $100 million grant to construct a plant in Auburn that would have created 600 local jobs.

I thought only evil Republican-led businesses fled the high taxes and heavy regulation of the USA for China? Certainly these fluffy unicorn greenies would never go to sweatshop anti-human-rights baby girl aborting China, right? Oopsie.This is now the second MA "green" business to shut its doors in favor of (pardon the pun) greener pastures - in Communist China.

Shouldn't this be sounding giant alarm klaxons somewhere? Shouldn't the fact that businesses are fleeing the US like rats from a sinking ship worry someone? Anyone? And the fact that it is "green" businesses fleeing the US - which should, theoretically, be a mature and ripe market for green technology - for China, one of the countries exempted from Kyoto? That should set off all kinds of alarms that we're doing something wrong...

Then again, the idea of getting cheap "green" technology at a cut-rate price at WalMart has a perverse appeal all its own...

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Crony Capitalism doesn't CARE where the Slave Labor comes from, just as long as Wealth is Transferred into the Hands of those people who own large percentages of the Stock, who in turn, can then make their Political Contributions to the Democratic People's Party. Nothing new, of course. Look up Loral, Bernie Schwartz, Chinese Missile Technology and Bill Clinton OVERIDING the DOD, CIA and the Dept. of State to allow the transfer of said Tech, right after $2 million went into the DNC's coffers in the 90's. Can you say "Great Leap Forward" in Nuclear Warfare?

Rifleman762 said...

Hm, I'm reminded that China now has a near monopoly on all those "green" lightbulbs we all have to use now. You know, the same green lightbulbs that last a bit longer, and use less energy? They also just happen to contain mercury and are headed straight to the landfill when we're done with them.

And apparently things are going so well in MA that we don't need 600 jobs in Auburn.

Starik Igolkin said...

"Chinese competition drove California solar-panel maker Solyndra into bankruptcy"

So, now we're told who to blame for Solyndra. It's not their idiotic management that spent more time on lobbying and political connections than they did on building a company capable of competing in the open market, and it's not the government regulations that make it more difficult for US companies to compete on prices. No, those are not the droids we're looking for. It's the Chinese who are to blame for everything. Riiiight...