Friday, November 18, 2011

Guys, It's Supposed to be *NEW* England...

...not *ANOTHER* England. Bob points us to a story that sounds it came right out of [Formerly] Great Britain:

The MA Attack On “Self-Help” Continues
Today at 3:05pm I’ll have an exclusive interview with the attorney representing Anthony McKay of Swampscott. McKay is the 29-year-old young man/father who caught a drug dealer breaking into his work truck to steal his tools and intervened.

The bad guy had a knife and a police night stick. McKay had his fists, but that was enough. When the cops arrived at McKay’s house, they found the bad guy on the ground with a broken jaw and McKay safe and sound.

Sounds suspiciously like the dad who got arrested for beating the stuffing out of the illegal alien who was molesting his kid that led to Martha Coakley's infamous "we discourage self-help" statement. Dude catches local druggie breaking into his truck to steal what's rightfully dude's. Local druggie pulls a knife. Dude beats the ever-lovin' snot out of druggie. Sounds like a fairytale ending, right?

Well, in a free country, certainly. But not in England, where the chattel are not permitted the means, nor the right, of self-defense - and this is apparently spreading to MA. According to the local PD, dude was supposed to call the police and *hope* they got to his house before local druggie cleans him out. Shame on dude for working hard and, you know, buying his stuff rather than steal it. Damn 1%er!

It's really frightening to think that this is a real trend. That you should be completely helpless, held hostage to the whim of drug addicts and lowlifes who can steal your hard-earned stuff with apparent impunity - the druggie in this story was served with a summons; one can only assume he went home that night. We're supposed to cower in our homes while *hoping* that the police can respond to the call in time - not even so much to prevent the crime, but before the emboldened criminals decide that they want something more than tools out of a truck.

Welcome to Massachusetts - self-reliant people need not apply.

That is all.


Bob said...

Thanks for the link, Jay. Much appreciated.

Bubblehead Les. said...

So do you need a FOID (FIST Owner's ID) in the VolksRepublik now?

A Critic said...

The state gains no small amount of power and loot from the druggies. Property theft is essential to getting the funds that pay for all of the payoffs, bribes, kickbacks, and outright drug smuggling and dealing profits etc, and it is essential to creating a highly lucrative revolving door incarceration system.

Think of the economy! You really want to impoverish the corrupt?

Firehand said...

Guy sent me this link:
"Why is the DA pushing this case? Because they want to send the message loud and clear. As a Swampscott police spokesman put it: “We don’t urge anybody to (fight back). We want them to call us.”

Yeah, "You just sit there and be robbed or raped or murdered, because We Minions of the State don't like it when you peasants actually defend yourselves."

Daniel in Brookline said...

Oh, really, Officer Swampscott? You, who are neither legally nor morally responsible for protecting us, you want US to call YOU?

Some perspective, if you please. When you respond to a call, you're doing your job - a highly-respected and very difficult job, to be sure. But it's still just a job. You can quit anytime you want and find another job. The citizen who called for you - if he had the time - isn't drawing a paycheck, he's fighting for his life, and the lives of his loved ones.

Unless you're prepared to protect me 24/7 - and be liable, so that I can sue you for FAILING to protect me - then don't you tell ME not to protect myself.


Ed said...

If people assert their primary responsibility to effectively protect themselves and their families instead of delegating it to government employees who may or may not respond promptly or effectively, then there is less of a need for police, which jeopardizes their size of force, overtime, career advancement, retirement, etc., and ultimately damages their sense of prestige and self worth.

Wouldn't want that to happen now, would we?

Move along now. Nothing to see here.

Cormac said...

If this guy (who is to be admired and respected [not being sarcastic]) can get funding and support, he should intentionally lose every fight to SCOTUS. Just to set some badass precedent!