Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Add Another One... Err, Two!

Not one but two additions today. First up, from FarmDad in Gunblogger Conspiracy chat...

Resident shoots, kills intruder in home
DANA POINT – A resident shot and killed an intruder after confronting him inside his home late Monday night, authorities said.

Officials are still investigating the circumstances behind the shooting, but say the resident was asleep in his home when he was awakened by noises just before 11 p.m. Monday.

Now, this is California, so the comments get into the "oh why did that evil vigilant homeowner have to kill that poor misguided person", but what's surprising - or not - is how many comments were supportive of the homeowner's actions. It's really hard to second-guess someone's actions in a case like this, but one thing is certain: The goblin was in the man's home. If he had stayed out of the home, he would still be alive.

There is only one person responsible for the goblin's death: The goblin.

Dead Goblin Count: 246

The second story comes from reader Kevin:

Police: Would-be Rally’s robber killed by eatery worker

As one robber allegedly grabbed an employee and the other brandished an Uzi-type weapon, a Rally’s co-worker took quick action, firing at the would-be criminals inside the Gary store early Jan. 11, officials said. The pair ran west, their alleged robbery attempt foiled.

One of the suspects was found dead in a nearby vacant lot the next afternoon. He had been shot and allegedly killed by the Rally’s worker, investigators learned.

Kevin points out that while this was in the Chicago Sun-Times, it happened in Gary, Indiana - which, you may remember, held the title of murder capital of the US for a while. It's interesting that the official police statement was that the shooter was in fear for his life - just a hunch, but I'm guessing that the shooter responsible for this addition won't face any charges. Also, please note that, yet again, the goblin was a prohibited person, yet was using an "assault weapon" despite being legally barred from owning firearms.

Another depressing example of the utter, complete dismal failure of gun control - fortunately redeemed by a private citizen taking responsibility for their own safety.

Dead Goblin Count: 247

That is all.


agirlandhergun said...

A friend of mine who lives very close to the shooting that took place in CA posted on my FB wall this morning. She wondered what I thought of the line, one has to at some time prove you feared for your life. I said that it really isn't the responsibility of the home owner to decide how much harm the criminal is there to inflict. Of course, I think he did the right thing.

Bushwack said...

It's CA and that's going to be trouble for the homeowner. The good part is the DA and a large part of that community is "RED" as the political map goes.

CA has a "Fear for your life" clause in the law. IF the homeowners in CA knew this, they would make only TWO comments to the LEO's who respond.

1. I feared for my life.
2. I will answer every question you want as soon as my lawyer arrives.
NOTHING MORE THAN THAT until you speak to a lawyer (Hopefully you have a good one)

The problem in CA is it's a very anti-gun state and the head of it is in SAC. IF the "Goblin" was a so-called Minority and has ties to some "Minority group" of voters, the homeowner will be painted as the bad guy in local media....

Rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6 is a real life motto out here.