Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Facepalmin' So Hard I Hurt Myself...

Here's one to really make you scream, fresh from none other than the:

(image courtesy of Robb Allen)

Cop Allegedly Tracks Down Issued Speeding Ticket to Ask Woman on Date
CHICAGO – A suburban Chicago police officer used a $132 speeding ticket he issued to track down a woman and ask her for a date, saying the least he could do for costing her so much money was to buy her dinner, a lawsuit filed by the woman alleges.

Evangelina Paredes accuses Stickney cop Chris Collins of violating her privacy by searching motor-vehicle records for her address, then leaving a handwritten note on her car windshield outside her apartment two days after she was ticketed.
ARE. YOU. FUCKING. KIDDING??? He used motor vehicle records - records he only had access to because of his status as a police officer - to track her down and find out where she lived? So he could ask her out on a date? Anyone want to place bets on whether or not Officer Valentino did his search:

a) on his own personal time; or,
b) on the clock?

I won't hold my breath waiting for anyone to choose a)...

This is either the dumbest SOB on the planet or the most arrogant bastard currently walking on two legs. This guy is either so monumentally stupid that he didn't realize that stalking someone he'd just given a ticket to so that he could ask her out on a date might be a little bit of an invasion of privacy, or he's so arrogant he figured she couldn't possibly resist him. Neither option is particularly appealing...

What the hell is being taught in Great Lakes area police academies, anyways???

That is all.


MAgunowner said...

You're being too harsh. At least he wasn't running a bookmaking operation or shooting a woman he mistook for a deer.

Montieth said...

Id rate the cop caught planting evidence in on a police cruisers camera in Utica New York as a bit more into the "what are you thinking?" territory.

Dwight Brown said...

"This guy is either so monumentally stupid that he didn't realize that stalking someone he'd just given a ticket to so that he could ask her out on a date might be a little bit of an invasion of privacy, or he's so arrogant he figured she couldn't possibly resist him."

You forget option 3: this is Chicago, where the cops have a history of being able to get away with even worse bullcrap than that.

Anonymous said...

Someone beat me to it...Chicago way, they paid for that job and they can do whatever the hell they want to the name of the law...

TheMinuteman said...

And I think this one's going on the count.

This is disturbing and scary on so many levels it's not even funny.

chiefjaybob said...

Another action to make me proud to say I'm from "The Land of Lincoln." Someday, we'll replace "Lincoln," with "Obama." And my chest shall swell with pride. Or something.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Beginning to think we need a "Stupid Cops" Desk here at the BLNN.

Ross said...

I recall reading an article some years ago about a woman who called 911 to ask them to send out a cop who'd previously responded to her on a different 911 call) because he was cute and she wanted to ask HIM out.

IIRC, she got ticketed for misusing 911...