Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Go. Watch.

...try not to cry.

I have a childhood friend who has delivered that message. He said without a doubt it is the hardest thing he's ever done, harder than his divorce, harder than losing custody of his children. Bringing the news that someone's loved one, their father, mother, husband, wife, etc. will never come home again weighs incredibly heavily on the people that have to deliver it. And even that burden pales in comparison to the loved ones left behind who know that the people walking up their walkway are bringing them the worst news they will ever hear.

And then for some subhuman pieces of filth to show up and protest the funeral? In many places, it would be considered "fighting words" and no jury would ever convict someone of stomping them into pudding. However, it is their right as Americans to make asses of themselves; it is their modus operandi to goad folks into taking a swing so that they can sue. While we might take a private moment and relish the thought of inviting violence on such a group, the fact is that the principles that guide America are in place to protect this very sort of thing.

Enter the Patriot Guard Riders.

They show up in a family's darkest hour to shield them from the morons. While the idiots have every right to show up - misguided and evil though it may be - the Patriot Guard Riders also have every right to show up and drown them out. And God bless them for it. I want to join so bad it hurts - however, I am still not 100% certain that, confronted with these people, I would be able to still my tongue and calm my temper. When I reach that 100th percent, my ride and my time will be theirs.

Thank you, Patriot Guard Riders, for everything you do.

That is all.

(Thanks to the NRA Life of Duty series sponsored by Brownells for the video, sent in an e-mail)


Lissa said...

I will be extremely surprised if I don't see you join these rides, eventually :)

Bubblehead Les. said...

Yeah, SCOTUS Screwed the Pooch on that Ruling last year. But the Sad thing is that we need the patriot Riders at all. Sigh!

If/when you mellow out enough to join them, I'd carry that 242. It just screams "Harley!"

Dave H said...

Jay, the Patriot Guard Riders have other ways to serve besides standing the flag line. And most missions don't even encounter those parasites on American freedom.

Ride with pride, stand tall, and know that if you do join, every other man standing on the line feels exactly like you do. But their only focus is on the fallen warrior and the ones he or she left behind, and showing them the respect and gratitude of their nation.

Sigivald said...

That's a mitzvah, as they say.

(Contra Les, though, the Supremes were right.

The entire point of speech protection is that it's for views that are unpopular, as those of Phelps' little family cult quite rightfully are.

The downside of real liberty is that everyone gets it, even enormous jerks.)

Yankeefried said...

Donate here:

Donate Link

Tango said...

I'm not seeing the video. It's displaying an error in the flash.

With the talk about SCOTUS, I'm guessing you're talking about WBC being taken to the Supreme Court vs the right to a quiet funeral.

While I love what the PGR do and I loathe the WBC entirely...

The First Amendment is not there to protect the speech we like, rather to protect the speech we do not.

If this is a DIFFERENT SCOTUS ruling, I apologize.

Jay G said...

Tango, it's showing for me, although it may be cached. Go to the LoD series and look for the Patriot Guard series.

Gave me chills, it did.

And thank you, Lissa.

Tango said...

My browser was being crappy. Your stuff is good to go! And Jay... I'm incredibly surprised you're not leading the charge at the head of the PGR rides.

Jay G said...

When I am 100% certain I won't beat a hippie protestor to death, I'll take part in a PGR ride.

Joe Texan said...

As soon as I get my new-to-me 1976 Honda Gold Wing from the shop, and BillyBob (from hellonearth-1.blogspot.com) puts his digital camo magic all over it, I'm going to join the Patriot Guard. I've been riding Gold Wings (and a Valkyrie Interstate) for a while, and this is something I've always wanted to do, both as a veteran and a M/C rider.

Tango said...

Jay, if it's a choice between standing for the dead or punching a hippy, I am 100% confident that you'd make the right choice.

Peripatetic Engineer said...

The son of a colleage of mine was escorted by the Patriot Guard. They provided an escort all the way from the airport to the funeral home and to the burial site. It's a significant commitment and these guys do it because they feel it's their duty.

Maureen said...

Sorry. Failed epically on the try not to cry part.

You share yourself in the stories you tell about yourself, and the stories you post about others, so that those of us who don't KNOW you still "know" you.

I feel like I "know" you well enough to predict with confidence that you'll find the will power and restraint to be able to contribute to the noble cause of the PGR.