Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Or, As We Call It In MA, A Day Ending in "Y"

Boston developer to be sentenced in campaign case
BOSTON - A prominent Boston real estate developer faces sentencing this week for campaign law violations.

Arthur Winn pleaded guilty in November to secretly funneling campaign contributions to Massachusetts politicians in an attempt to win funding for a large development project in Boston.
What? A businessman having to make large bribes campaign contributions to get funding? Say it ain't so! Next thing you're going to do is tell me there's gambling going on in this establishment... I'm having a hard time reading exactly what is different here than what happens hundreds of times a day in cities all over America - except, perhaps, that this developer got caught...

Maybe the "contributions" weren't large enough and insulted the politicians in question? It is rather interesting that the story makes no mention whatsoever of whose campaigns received donations, isn't it? Obviously if it was Scott Brown's campaign the story would read just the same, I am certain...

It's a sad statement that we tend to view these types of stories in such a banal light...

That is all.

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