Monday, January 30, 2012

Headed to St. Louieeee...

Quick checklist:

Hotel room: booked.
Flight: booked.
Transportation: To be arranged.
Media pass: Forthcoming...

Yep, I'll be attending the 2012 NRA Annual Meeting in St. Louis coming up in April over Tax Weekend...

This will make my third NRA convention, having made it to Pittsburgh (and OC NRA Meeting!) last year and Charlotte in 2010. I'm looking forward to seeing old friends and new ones as well; that's the best part of the meeting is seeing folks that I've read online and putting faces to the names. Oh, sure, seeing the shiny new hardware is always good, and it's good to talk to folks in the industry, but it's meeting my online friends face-to-face that I look forward to the most.

I'll be arriving sometime Thursday evening (the meeting starts Friday morning) and will staying through until Monday; if you're planning on attending the convention or are simply in the area, there's always time to plan a lunch or dinner. There may be a simple get-together Thursday night to kick things off like in Pittsburgh; give a holler if you'd be interested in attending. It looks like things are more centrally located in St. Louis than in Pittsburgh (I'm staying about a half-mile from the convention center; no three hours in traffic like last year!), so hopefully we can have a great turnout!

Hope to see you in St. Louis!

That is all.


PT said...

Make sure you do the Budweiser brewery tour while you're there.

JD Rush said...

+1 on the tour. They even have a short version that takes you out to the Clydesdale stables and back to the free beer ASAP.
I stayed at The Roberts Mayfair last year when I went to a Cards game. It is across the street from the Convention Center. Otherwise, it sucked.
Hmmmm, Cards play the Cubs that weekend.
Ate at The Dubliner one night. They have their own butcher shop on site, or locally (I guess). Wasn't bad. Just down from the convention center. Shula's blew our order one night, but it tasted good.

DaddyBear said...

I'll see you there!

Got any bourbon requests? Bourbon Claus is coming to town!

Jay G said...

Mmmmm. Bourbon...

Bring whatever you like best. I'm a HUGE bourbon fan and will be happy to try whatever you deign to bring...

Hat Trick said...

I would love to meet up. I'm about 1.5 hours away. Keep me posted of plans.

I'll pass on the brewery tour. I don't consider any of their products worthy of being called beer.

Old NFO said...

Still trying to get my sked unscrewed... NOT looking good right now. dammit...

Bubblehead Les. said...

Newbius and the Balt-Wash gang is going to be at the Miller's February NRA Blogshoot, but I'm scheduled for some Doctor stuff that weekend. Wife is going to be in Florida with the In-Laws just down the Road from Robb's the same week you'll be in St.Louis. I'll probably be doing Spring Home Repair and Improvements in the Mud. Sigh!

Wonder if Zercool wants me to pick him up again this summer and head to N.H.?

Roadkill said...

I'm only 3.5 hours from there. Be interesting to meet some of the crew... Would need to snag a membership for the NRA again though.

Steve said...

Well, if you wouldn't mind a relatively insignificant blogger showing up I plan to take some time from my coursework to attend.

Old NFO said...

I in, assuming my sked doesn't blow up. Arriving Thursday PM, depart Sun or Mon depending...

Jay G said...


Excellent news!

Dennis and I are staying at the same hotel, and were thinking of hosting a Thursday evening soiree like Unc did last year.

We'll formalize things later, but save Thursday evening!

Joe Texan said...

I'm going to try to be there and drag BillyBob with me. I live near KC and BillyBob lives a little farther south. Hope to meet some of you folks there!