Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Is It My Birthday or Christmas or Both???

Several folks have e-mailed me to let me know that J&G Sales has VEPR magazines in stock.

$30 for a 10-round .308 Win magazine isn't the worst I've seen, and certainly the best for the VEPR, especially for an in-stock magazine. They're going to make the folks selling magazines for $75+ very unhappy, as with the increased supply, the demand will drop, but hey, that's capitalism. I'll probably pick up a couple 2-3 magazines to have on hand - right now I've got one plastic Russian 5-rounder that came with the gun and one plastic Russian 10-rounder that I picked up last year as well as one 10-round aftermarket metal magazine; it'd be good to have a few more mags on hand *just in case*.

Unless, of course, the good folks at J&G Sales wanted to send a couple units my way for testing, of course...

That is all.

(and FYI, it *is* Tam's birthday, so stop in and wish her a happy birthday today!)


PT said...

J&G sales is also suing the ATF over the multiple sales requirement, along with the fact they got burned in Fast and Furious as well. They are a good place to do business with. They'll need to business to continue to sue the ATF

Bubblehead Les. said...

Oooh! Lucky Guy! One Problem though: How you going to carry spare 10 round magazines? There's Mil-Surp mag pouches for the M-14, FN, etc, but they are designed for 20 round mags. I know CTD has some Chinese Knock-Offs for 10 rounders, but I'd start looking at someplace like Maxpedition for good pouches. Of course, then you need to attach them to a good pistol belt or a vest, plus it would never hurt to have a First Aid Pouch, a Stabby thing, a pistol holster, and some pouches for its magazines....

Yeah, I know that this sounds like you're getting dressed for the Mall Ninja Ball, but, if you plan on having to grab the Vepr and "Bugging Out", it's a lot better to have all that it needs in one package.

Guffaw in AZ said...

Gotta love J&G!