Friday, January 27, 2012

A *New* Cunning Hat!

My #1 blogdaughter is awesome. But you all knew that. However, she's outdone herself this time. She made me a cunning hat just like Mike's!

Thanks Nancy!


Man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything.

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Sending you a picture that will prove that Gunnie Bloggers are Genetically Linked.

Weer'd Beard said...

Yeah we need to put on our hats and go out on the town.

Like those ladies in the Red Hat Society...but AWESOME!

Here's a pic for ya!

Me Vector and Miss P rockin' with nothing to fear!

Anonymous said...

This was NOT how I wanted to start today . . .

Please pass the eye bleach

Dave H said...

I never thought Jayne Cobb looked like a killer. His eyes were just a little too lively. You, sir, have the eyes of a killer. Or a bill collector.

Jay G said...

It comes from living in Massachusetts...

misbeHaven said...

Is that knitted or crocheted? And if it is crocheted, would you please have her send me the directions? Thanks. :-D

Maura said...

As Kaylee said: "Sweetest Hat Ever."

misbeHaven: If you google "Jayne Hat pattern" you'll find an excellent pattern at

Nancy R. said...

It's knit, not crochet, as the orginal one is knit. I found a pattern that is the closest match to the one on the Firefly series as I could find because for me, it's all about reproducing the originals. *grin*

harp1034 said...

A man walks down the street wearing a hat like that and people know he is wacko!

Maddmedic said...

Oh my!!!
Maybe for deer hunting...does have some orange in it!!

Man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything.

But neither are those dudes in the white jackets with the nets and such coming after you!!!

Ed said...

No sense....
No fear.

chris said...

What part of New York city did you Come from?

Stretch said...

What hurts more?
The hat?
The glare from Jay's head?