Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Sneaks!

Got new tires on the Dodge Earthf**ker this weekend:

Tread! I have tread!

And on the way back from the tire place, something struck me as funny:

Dodge Ram, Shrek edition

Heh. Fun for the feebleminded!

That is all.


Mopar said...

That pic HAS to be illegal in MA, lol. Congrats on the new shoes. Next up is the sparkplug change from hell, and then new brakes.

bluesun said...

I had to do that last week because of an unfixable flat. 800 bucks I would have rather spent somewhere else...

libertyman said...

I trust you went over the border to my fair state? Thus saving 6.25%, enough for something worthwhile?

Ritchie said...

Recently got a full set for the '83 full size 4x4 Blazer. Now the tires are worth more than everything they support.

Old NFO said...

Yep, those weren't cheap! And new "shoes" are always a good feeling!

Jay G said...


Next up is the brakes, actually. Spark plugs should be okay for another 5-10K...


I topped $800 as well because it got a four wheel alignment at the same time...


I ain't sayin' nuthin'... :D


Well, the tires were > 2 truck payments, which I don't have to make any more, so that was a tradeoff...


No, no they weren't. This set was more than twice the set we put on the Durango the Ram replaced - that's what 7 years and the difference between 15" and 20" rims can do...

Mopar said...

Jay, I think I went about 55k on the tires, and I probably could have made 60K if a steel belt hadnt broke on one tire (musta been passing thru MA with those crappy roads). Spark plugs are due at 60k, and I got 65K out of the brakes and that's with a fair amount of towing and carrying decent loads in the bed.
Jay and I have the exact same year/make/model Earthf**ker, but I have further to drive to a free state then he does, so mine has more miles)

ZerCool said...

My tonka truck is about due for a new set of sneakers ... last set ran me about seven bills and have 50k on them now. Not illegal but getting low. Knobby tires are pricey...

Irish said...

Jay.. Shrek... Truck...BWAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!

JD said...

Damn, Pissed beat me to it. . . first thing I thougt of too. . .

Matt said...

Congratulations, you just made my daily reads list off the phrase "Dodge Earthf*u ker" alone. Not to mention your review of Newt "Buzz Lightyear" Gingrich's moon base plan!

Larry said...

'11 Mustang GT/CS. Pirelli P-zeros, 245/45-19, x 4, plus 4 wheel alignment. Ouch. And no funny shadow pictures afterwards to make me feel better, either.

Jay G said...

Brother, if you blew through a set of tires in a year, Imma have a hard time feelin' sorry...
