Thursday, January 26, 2012

Of PDWs and 1911s...

So I posted my AAR on Day Two of SHOT Show 2012, which was a little on the SIG-intensive side, and I get a presser in my inbox about two new items from SIG SAUER. Coincidence? You be the judge... Contained in the presser was a shot of the Adaptive Carbine Platform (ACP):


and the new Fastback Nightmare 1911:

SIG 1911

As much as I want to deride the ACP - because it takes a perfectly usable pistol and adds so much weight and bulk to it that it becomes unwieldy - it intrigues me. It strikes me that it could be a decent house gun - with a dialed in red dot sight it should be good to 25 yards, certainly the maximum distance one could expect inside one's home. The extra weight would assist in recoil, and the model with the sling could be useful when things go bump in the night.

And I do have to admit that the 1911 is pretty darn slick looking...

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Boy, you ARE Stuck behind Enemy Lines! Something tells me that Sig made the Adaptive to go a little more than 25 yards. It's gotta be an "Outside Device". After all, there are enough pistols out there nowadays that one could hook up a $10 Landyard if one felt the need for Weapon Retention in one's Bedroom.

Actually, I see it more as a 'Perceived Need" for a Bug Out Bag. Sig seems to be saying, "Well, since you are using our Pistols for EDC, here's something for when the SHTF."

And they might have a point.

Jay G said...

If I need something beyond 25 yards, it's to hit something outside of my house.

In which case, I'm grabbing a rifle, not a handgun.

Good point on SHTF preparedness!

Mike W. said...

Barf to both of those. Sig....sigh.

Anonymous said...

Slick, nothing, that 1911 is downright purrty!

Stingray said...

No particular beef one way or another with the straight 1911, but that other whateverthehell is even stupider than the zombie-max super undead preparedness kit. At least that pile of idiot had a sense of humor about things. The whateverthehell even got laughed at by food court team 6.

No, it doesn't make sense for a house gun because if you're so goddamn high speed you need a 1-point sling and four hands and twelve rails on the gun you're not using it for a house gun. No, it doesn't make sense for SHTF bug-out, because unless you've suffered cranial trauma, you'll just grab an actual carbine/ar/ak/sks. No, it doesn't make sense for a superninja tactical operator because ARE YOU GODDAMN KIDDING ME LOOK AT THAT STUPID PIECE OF RETARDFAIL.

It's gonna sell like hotcakes.

Wally said...

That is way more than a 25yard gun. And when in one landing at my doorstep ?