Friday, January 27, 2012

One More SHOT Show Post...

One of the interesting things that I took away from SHOT Show was how similar, in many ways, the show was compared to other professional conventions I've been to in other industries. You're either standing at the booth all day long, or you're walking around the convention center checking out the competition, chatting up the folks that do business with you to see what's new and exciting, or walking around collecting schwag. Well, there's a lot of schwag at SHOT Show...

See this bag?

Media Day bag...

Looks pretty full, because, well, it is:

...full of schwag

It's funny looking at the various and sundry items that companies put out to increase awareness of their brand. Pens. Shirts. Travel mugs. Stickers. Keychains. It's all the same between the firearms industry, scientific instrument manufacturers, or automobiles. Finding the perfect way to get your company's name noticed is the holy grail of marketing. The flash drives with the media kits are excellent ideas; the red one to the bottom left is from Yamaha and is also a Swiss Army knife - very clever! (and, as the Yamaha rep told us, if you forgot and left it on your carryon, he said to break off the flash drive and keep it, look up his info, and e-mail him for another one. That attention to detail can make the difference in sealing a deal).

And let's face it, we're all about the schwag...

That is all.


Dave H said...

Nice haul! That was good thinking by the Yamaha guy. (I had to leave a Swiss Army Knife I bought in Ireland with the TSA once. It was my own fault. Play stupid games...)

I see you got an Otis shirt. We're pretty proud of them, making a successful business here in New York based on shooting. They're good folks.

Who gave you the boonie hat? I love those things. Got my first one when I was a Scout. It wasn't regulation, but it worked better than our ballcaps and was a darned sight cheaper than the Stetsons.

Now I'm curious who you were thinking of when you mentioned scientific instrument manufacturers. I work in a similar industry (power measurement instruments).

Jay G said...


There were a couple MA companies represented there. One gave me a tactical pen... ;)

The boonie hat was from Gun Broker and distributed at Media Day at the range - *VERY* handy!

Waaaay back when I was a struggling graduate student, we would frequently be visited by the folks from Fisher Scientific or Brinkman (they supplied our HPLCs and related solvents).

Want to get a bunch of graduate students together? Offer free pizza...

Dave H said...

A tactical pen? Sweet.

I know Fisher Scientific, but not directly. I worked for a software development manager whose wife was a veterinarian and post-doc researcher in microbiology. He told me about some of the things she'd get from Fisher. Sometimes you don't want to know what's on those trucks going to the university.

I'm getting to the age and size now that free pizza is actually a reason to avoid a meeting.

TOTWTYTR said...

It's the same in EMS and computers. Probably the same in any business. When I go to EMS trade shows or computer trade shows, I come home with bags of stuff.

Some of it is even useful!

Word verification is Romney! No, wait, it's Squishi.

Same thing.