Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Surprising News...

Agent loses appeal over accidental shooting video
WASHINGTON – A federal agent who accidentally shot himself while lecturing children on gun safety lost his appeal Tuesday in a lawsuit over release of the video that subjected him to ridicule on the Internet and late-night talk shows.

Lee Paige sued his employer, the Drug Enforcement Administration, after video of the 2004 accident in Florida appeared in the news and went viral on the Internet. The video shows Paige shooting himself in the leg just as he displays his firearm and tells a gathering of about 50 youth and their parents, "I'm the only one in this room professional enough, that I know of, to carry this Glock 40."
Wow. I would have put money on him getting something out of this. I mean, this man's livelihood has been effectively reduced to "guy who makes balloon animals at children's parties", because he's certainly not working in law enforcement after that video... He's become the poster child for poor LEO handling of firearms with this careless act, and the kids in that demonstration are very lucky he only injured himself. If it had been a CCW who "accidentally" shot themselves, think they'd still be out of jail?

At least now, finally, he's being held accountable for his lapse in judgment...

That is all.

Another dispatch from
(image courtesy of Robb Allen)


Bubblehead Les. said...

He can always get his Private Security License and open up a Mall Ninja Agency with Canton, Ohio's FORMER Finest, Officer Harliss.

Or "The ONLY ONE'S Firearms Training Acadamy."

The Coffee Bastard said...

Being a pedant it irritates me that he didn't even know what gun he had. He states "Glock 40" which doesn't exist.

Paul, Dammit! said...

I have a distant cousin who retired from a job as chief detective in a major city- as a rookie he caught a serial rapist after shooting himself in the leg while trying to draw his weapon (this is in the 60's, mind). He said that among his peers, 30 years later, no one could remember the name of the rapist, but everyone still remembered every detail of the self inflicted gunshot wound.

lee n. field said...

because he's certainly not working in law enforcement after that video.

Oh, I wouldn't count on it.

Daniel in Brookline said...

"I'm the only one in this room professional enough, that I know of, to carry this Glock 40."

My Mommy said I could carry it, as long as I didn't touch it. Here, this'll show her!

- - - - -

Being a pedant it irritates me that he didn't even know what gun he had. He states "Glock 40" which doesn't exist.

I wondered about that (never having heard of a Glock 40), but being no Glock expert, I assumed I must be mistaken. Surely a cop would know what type of gun he was carrying, wouldn't he?

In retrospect, he should have gone ahead with the full quote: "It's a Glock 7, from Germany. It's a porcelain gun, so it doesn't show up on airport X-ray machines. And it costs more than you make in a month."