Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Water Is Wet! Dog Bites Man!

Hundreds of Capitol Hill Staffers Didn't Pay Taxes in 2010
As Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich parse the details of their individual tax returns, hundreds of Capitol Hill employees are taking taxpayer dollars to the bank without paying their share.

Internal Revenue Service data show that 3 percent of Senate staffers and more than 4 percent of House staffers owed taxes in 2010, adding up to about $10.6 million in unpaid taxes. More than 98,000 civilian federal employees were delinquent on their taxes in 2010, adding up to more than $1 billion in taxes owed, according to the IRS.
More than $1 Billion. That's pretty significant. UT Rep. Jason Chaffetz has introduced a bill that would require any federal employee found deliquent in their taxes to be fired - although it doesn't specify "from a cannon". What's interesting is that right now, only IRS agents who fail to pay taxes get canned - meaning that the IRS is held to a higher standard than the folks who make the laws. There's a lesson there, I just know there is.

There is one significant drawback to this failure to pay taxes: if these folks persist in dodging the tax man, they might end up tapped for the Obama administration...

That is all.

Another dispatch from

(image courtesy of Robb Allen)


Lokidude said...

Ah, Jason. I love my Congressman, and am quite sad that I'm being redistricted out of his constituency. The solace is that we've got one that's even better running for the new district that I'm in, a lady named Mia Love. Rough living when we get candidates like that.

He's right, though. If you're behind on your taxes (and not actively rectifying the situation), child support, alimony, etc., you should immediately become ineligible for any .gov job or assistance. Brutal? Yup. Don't care. Do your part, and operate in good faith, just like the rest of us do.

Old NFO said...

Gotta agree with Loki!