Friday, February 10, 2012

$1.4 Million for Delousing...

That's what was spent just on the police detail for OccupyBoston.

Payroll: Cops spent $1.4M in Occupy OT

Boston shelled out a total $1.4 million in overtime policing the Occupy Boston movement during its two-month encampment in Dewey Square, but the city still saw an overall drop in police overtime last year, City Hall reported yesterday.

Occupy protesters questioned the figures, demanding to see the raw data. “They can say whatever they want,” said Ryan Cahill, an Occupy Boston media volunteer. “They seem to pick these numbers out of thin air. ... No one told them to send in 500 officers for the raid. We weren’t an armed gang. Their spending was their responsibility.”

Right. Just because there were robberies, rapes, and all sorts of petty and grand larceny and vandalism doesn't mean that cops were needed. Sorry pal, but you and your brethren showed the stuff you were made out of (mostly rotted hemp) when you trashed Oakland, and DC, and pretty much every major city upon which you descended. Be thankful you're not on the hook for that figure, hippie.

To the people of Boston: When your taxes go up - yet again - be sure to thank Mumbles for allowing the filthy hippies to stay as long as they did and run up that large of a bill. You'll probably reward hizzoner with another term. Enjoy your tax increases. Lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas - and in this case, the treatment to rid yourself of these parasites was well into seven figures...

How much you want to bet that Mumbles proposes banning tents so this won't happen again...

That is all.


Shy Wolf said...

"...Occupy protesters questioned the figures, demanding to see the raw data. “They can say whatever they want,” said Ryan Cahill, an Occupy Boston media volunteer. “They seem to pick these numbers out of thin air."..."

Umm, like OWS, etal, is more honest? I mean, seriously, Ryan Cahill- ain't that pot callin' the kettle black?

Old NFO said...

I STILL think they should be charged for it, the Tea Party was!!!