Friday, February 10, 2012

Don't Mess with Texas, Part ?

I guess if they learned they wouldn't be goblins...

Store worker kills would-be robber

An employee shot and killed a man who reportedly tried to rob a store in north Houston Thursday night.

The shooting occurred at the store at 822 W. Little York near Andy about 9:30 p.m., according to the Houston Police Department.

As stories about goblins reaching room temperature go, this one is about par for not giving away many details. Dude robs store. Store happens to be Texas. Dude gets shot dead for his troubles. Lather, rinse, repeat. Keep doing this until they get it through their thick skulls that crime can and will be hazardous to their health...

Dead Goblin Count: 254

That is all.


Teke said...

This is from my neck of the woods.
What makes this a more interesting situation at least according to reports the goblin new to business owner. Reports are saying that the goblin may have been a regular customer on the store.

kx59 said...

If this is the same one, there's an update here:

agg79 said...

They updated the story with a wee bit more details. Something about climbing over the safety glass and into the cashier's area.

Anonymous said...

Might need a "Dead goblin" window decal for stop and rob stores. If a store accumulates 5 of them the local police declare it an "Ace" location and give it a plaque. Like fighter pilots put victory markers on their planes.