Saturday, February 11, 2012

Has Anyone Seen My Shocked Face?

Because I'm sure going to need it after this revelation:

Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin under investigation: source
NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, the colorful and controversial spokesman for the city after the devastating Hurricane Katrina in 2005, is under investigation by federal authorities, a source with direct knowledge of the probe said.

The source told Reuters on Friday that several people linked to Nagin or the New Orleans city administration during his two terms as mayor ending in 2010 were cooperating with the U.S. Justice Department and the FBI.
Get ready for this - Nagin's accused of taking "favors or items of value" in exchange for city contracts. I know, I know; it's pretty shocking to hear that a New Orleans politician might be tainted; least of all Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin, the man most famous for letting city school buses sit in a lot and get flooded out rather than evacuate the city. And then blame it on George Bush (who hates black people, Kanye tells us...)

Next thing you're going to tell me that Chicago politics are rigged!

That is all.

Another dispatch from...
(image courtesy of Robb Allen)


Ancient Woodsman said...

Apparently all Nagin needs to do is to get George Lucas to tell the investigators that it all never happened quite that way.

And the internet boards will explode with,"But way back when, Lucas said that Nagin said...and now Lucas says...!!!"

And since the distraction is way over there, we're walking this way...this way...walking...

Bubblehead Les. said...

Hans Shot First. Eat Your Chili any way you like it. It's all Bush's Fault. And the best Handgun in the World is the Glock 1911A1.

That should cover it.

Johnnyreb™ said...

It's about time, and couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Stopped in the lower 9th ward (during the Katrina debacle) to relieve a flagger on our crew, so she could take a break. And up rolls this Caddy with what looked to be full of teenage girls.

Ole RayRay was showing off his driving skills, when he drove over the curb to get around the traffic cones we had setup.

We were demo'ing asbestos houses on that street, so his little neighborhood tour ended with him being ordered out of the 'containment area'.

Maybe he can share a cell with William "Refrigerator" Jefferson ...

Weer'd Beard said...

He's a member of MAIG isn't he? This is to be expected!