Thursday, February 9, 2012

Clay, Feet of...

Et tu, Hawk?

Avery Brooks Arrested For DUI
It looks like one of Star Trek’s captains is in a bit of trouble. According to TMZ, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s Avery Brooks was arrested over the weekend on suspicion of drunken driving.

Lifelong friend, infrequent commenter, and (relatively new) gun owner SCI-FI sends in this story, with the tagline "Thank God he didn't have his flying car"...

That is all.


Dave H said...

That synthehol will mess you up.

bluesun said...

Watched Shatner's "The Captains" and boy, is that guy a hippie, too. Good piano player, though.

We the people... said...

That's a damn shame...

Steve in TN said...

Still think of him as Hawk from Spenser For Hire...

wolfwalker said...

Jay, the fact he was arrested for DUI doesn't mean he was DUI. Wilton is one of the wealthiest and whitest communities in Connecticut. Avery Brooks is not white ... but he is a successful and well-off actor, and was probably driving a fairly expensive car. I'd like to see some evidence that he was really DUI, and not just DWB.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

I blame the Cardassians

Jay G said...

He wasn't drunk, it was Ketracel White!

Mopar said...

This is my neck of the woods.while WE is generally correct about the town it happened in, there is more to the story then is mentioned on a gossip website. Allegedly Brooks was at a party here. The police were called by someone at the party who was concerned that Brooks was too drunk to drive.He was all over the road, and when he was stopped he refused the breathalyzer so he's automatically guilty.

Old NFO said...

Oops... :-)

Guffaw in AZ said...

I remember Hawk's character chasing an armed bad guy through a hospital. A staffer screams, "He's got a gun! (re: the bad guy)
Hawk pulls his (.44 mag 6" ?) and states, "Mine's bigger!)
Lotsa folks f up. Lets hope he didn't.