Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Gun Pr0n #253

I was looking back through my SHOT Show pictures looking for the right picture for today, and I got no further than the Colt booth at Media Day at the Range. Now, there were some sweet 1911s there - a Gold Cup, a custom Commander, and even a new Mustang - but what caught my eye was this beauty:

Look NFO! Horsie!

Colt New Frontier in .45 LC. G-d's Own (Old School) Pistol caliber. This be strong stuff right here, in the form of the original hogleg. The heft and balance of the gun make it a pussycat to shoot, though; while .45 LC might not be as punishing as .500 S&W Magnum or .454 Casull, it's still a pretty potent round even in today's day and age. A revolver of this size, though, makes it feel like a light .38 Special.

Someday I will have one of these in my collection to match the .22LR version I have...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Gospel according to Matthew, Chapter five, the ninth verse.

Preach it.

Matt L. said...

Colt .45, Old Testament Version.

JD Rush said...

As I recall, .44 magnum from a Ruger Super Blackhawk was a pussycat. 45LC felt like a 22 after firing 454 Casull from my old gun(SRedhawk). But they may have been cowboy loads. The 454 loads weren't :)

Shy Wolf said...

Really? This revolver is NFO? Dang, I got an itch.