Friday, February 10, 2012

Everyone Knows...

...that if you try to use a gun in self-defense, the ninja-like skills of the goblin will allow them to disarm you easily and then use your own gun against you, right? Someone forgot to tell that to a woman in Texas...

Armed Houston mom confronts burglars
A couple of burglars chose the wrong woman to pick on. They came sneaking into her house and she sent them running out. Perhaps they didn't count on the woman fighting back, but that's just what she did.

The mother of two was getting her 10-year-old son ready for school when the two bad guys broke in. She grabbed a gun and came face-to-face with not one but two intruders inside her Huffman home.
Here's an interesting question: Did the two goblins who broke in think they were breaking into an empty house? Or did they think they were breaking into a house with a woman, a young boy, and no other adult males present? No one will know, because this woman had the presence of mind to grab the best tool for self-defense, a firearm, and confronted the two miscreants.

Now, the antis would much rather she have locked herself in the closet and called 911. That's what the police are for, right? They're the ones that come and deal with the evil men in your house. Except, of course, that it might take them anywhere from 8 to 20 minutes to get there, during which time no one knows what the intruders will do. Basically, this woman would have been at the mercy of two men who staked out her house, waited for the men of the house to leave, and locked her two dogs away.

But the Bradys think that we can "reason" with them - and, barring that, this woman should simply vomit on herself to stop from being raped. To hell with that - three shots center mass with a .45 ACP will do a much better job, and with only marginal more dry cleaning. They would rather this woman bet her life on the good graces of two thugs breaking into her home than commit the ultimate sin of using a firearm to defend herself.

But we gunowners are the ones who are bitter and delusional...

That is all.

Another dispatch from...
(image courtesy of Robb Allen)


Bob S. said...

Don't forget the 10 year old was doing the 'right thing' by calling 911 -- he was disconnected 5 times/

The police didn't show up for 25 after it all started.

Do you want your loved ones or yourself alone and unarmed with two thugs in the house for 25 minutes?

I don't

Lissa said...

What Bob S said. As always, when the criminals are IN YOUR HOUSE, the police are only minutes away.

Oh,and I sympathize with her desire to not shoot a person in the back, but it could have cost her life and her son's.

libertyman said...

Yes, but Jay, look at the burglar who came in and vacuumed, folded laundry and was cooking!

Now, why would anyone want to shoot someone like that?

Shy Wolf said...

OK, I can see her grabbing the gun and confronting the bums. But, really- does this even rate being talked about? Why would the Brady Bunch want to comment on it at all: she didn't kill the SOB's, didn't wound them, didn't have to call 9-1-1 or wait for the fuzz to arrive. She only did what was right.
Move along- nothing here to talk about.
(sarcasm key turned off now)

BornLib said...

Glad this turned out well.

I can't say that I think the point where she went looking for the robbers was the best idea. Setting up in a defensible position like Sarah McKinley did seems like the thing to do, especially if you are outnumbered.

Larry said...

I have noticed that a .45 ACP is one of the greatest "reasoning" tools known to man. Most folks on the wrong end of one turn out to be very reasonable in the way or another...