Monday, February 6, 2012

Failure of the Victim Selection Process...

Wolfman sends in this story of what happens when a goblin chooses his victims poorly:

Intended victims fight back during cellphone robbery, killing would-be thief
Gian Davis, 30, approached two college students around 1:30 a.m. Saturday and asked to use a cellphone so he could call a cab, the Star-Ledger of Newark reports.

One of the students said he would make the call for Davis, who then asked to shake the student’s hand in thanks, according to the paper. But Davis instead grabbed the phone and hit one of the students in the head.

One of the college students is a wrestler, and basically put Davis in a choke hold. Apparently the "choke" part isn't just for show, because the goblin wound up deadified. Now, I'm sorry, my give-a-shit-o-meter just can't register for someone who assaults someone over a cell phone and winds up getting themselves killed; I feel a thousand times worse for the poor college kid who has to live the rest of his life knowing he was forced to take action that resulted in someone's death over a friggin' cell phone.

Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. This time, the goblin was the bug. Props to the college kids - one of the big cell phone grab ploys is the "can I borrow your phone" and then run off; almost certainly that's what Davis had planned. When the college students failed to fall for it, he opted for assault and battery - never a great plan; certainly a terrible plan when one of your victims is a wrestler. There are no pictures that go with the article, but it's generally safe to assume that these were not small guys.

Oh well, I needed more examples for the PSGWSP category...

That is all.

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