Monday, February 6, 2012

News I Never Thought I'd Read...

Read the headline:

GOP has a chance to gain seats

And realize they're not talking about nationally. They're talking about right here in Massachusetts:
Could a third congressional seat be in jeopardy for Massachusetts Democrats?

You don’t have to live on the North Shore to know that district is also looking good for Republicans for numerous reasons. First, the incumbent Democrat, U.S. Rep. John Tierney, is tarnished by his claims of complete ignorance regarding his wife’s illegal activities. Second, redistricting removed several Democrat stronghold areas. Third, former state Sen. Richard Tisei outraised Tierney two-to-one last quarter. Ouch!

Now, granted, there's a good deal of hoping here - this reporter thinks that Scott Brown has a snowball's chance in hell of being re-elected, for starts - but she might have a point about Tierney. It's one thing to be corrupt; it's another thing entirely to be corrupt and then show utter contempt for the intelligence of your electorate. No one is buying Tierney's claim that he knew nothing about his wife's money laundering; clinging to that is only going to hurt him in November.

The remainder, well, is a little (read: a lot) on the optimistic side. I don't think Bielat can beat Kennedy; that name is still magic in Massachusetts. As for whether Keating can win, it really didn't make a difference that he moved into the district solely for the race last time; it certainly won't matter this time. Considering that in 2010, when the entire nation moved more to the GOP, Massachusetts moved even further to the left, I have a hard time believing that we're going to experience a shift the other way.

But it's still interesting to see the idea floated in a Boston paper...

That is all.


Dave H said...

I suspect it ran in a Boston paper for the same reason the NRA keeps sending me emails telling me Eric Holder is a crook. They're not reporting and they're not bragging, they're trying to get people to do something to stop it.

How did that redistricting thing happen? Doesn't your legislature know how gerrymandering works? They're supposed to redistrict to keep the majority party in power. I'd be happy to send you some NY legislators on a work release program to show them how.

Anonymous said...

Are these Scott Brown Repubs?

Weer'd Beard said...

At least I have SOMEBODY to vote FOR in November.

SGB: Rich Tisei is a pretty solid Bomb-Thrower and was a thorn in the side of the Lefties on Becon hill. He's also Gay and has a few gay rights bills he's sponsored. I like most of them so I like him, but some of the old-school Mass Republicans HATE him because he has gay cooties.

Bielat, is like Brown, he's been running fairly conservative, but he MAY do what Brown did.

I'll be voting against Brown in November so maybe they get the message about such behavior.