Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday Gun Pr0n #252

Numerically I'm only 10 off for this one...

Reader Evan contacted me last week about my Smith & Wesson 242ti. It seems he came across one recently and was interested in it, and asked my opinion of the gun. I relayed my impressions, told him that I was happy with mine, and he wound up getting the 242ti he'd asked about:



That is one clean looking pistola there, Evan. I am impressed. So, apparently, was Evan:

Just to give you an update... I bought the pistol for $650 and took it to the range. I fired at least 60-75rds through it and it worked flawless. The trigger is like butter... I can shoot better with this gun better than any of the pistols I own, it's crazy accurate! I need to find some of those stripper clips, speed loaders, grips, and a few different holsters. I want to carry this once I get my permit, so I want to have a few options for carry. Any idea's and suggestions in those areas? Thanks again for your time in advance!
I referred him to MidwayUSA and Brownells for the speedloaders (basically, the QuikStrips or TuffStrips or any other 7-8 round speed strip will work) and to Michael and Dennis for holsters. No matter which way he goes, he'll have a well-made, beautiful holster in which to carry his shiny new (to him) Smith & Wesson.

Welcome to Club 242 Evan!

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

"told him that I was happy with mine"

Liar! You are INFATUATED! With yours.

I don't blame you, they're nice guns.

Shame S&W doesn't make them anymore. Then again they make the M&P9c which is the same gun, just holds more!

Jay G said...

Brother, if S&W made this with a titanium/scandium mix like the 340, I would buy *two*...

Seven shots of .357 Magnum in a revolver weighing ~ 15 ounces?

Three words: SIGN. ME. UP.

Weer'd Beard said...

OR you could get a Kahr CW45 and get 7 shots of .45 ACP for half the price and I promise to stand behind you and kick you in the taint with each shot just to get the sensation right! ;)

Tho they DO have the 386 Night Guard which with a hammer-bob is kinda-close.

Weer'd Beard said...

Just because I like to meddle:

Put those together, and maybe bob the hammer and grind off the cocking notch on the hammer strut and you have a snazzy little carry gun with zero collector's value.

You can also pull the "zit" out pretty easy, and with the black frame a little dob of epoxy putty should hide the S&W Abomination hole....

Yankeefried said...

Secret Agent grips on a 325 Night Guard.

KBCraig said...

Evan needs to learn the definition of "pistol".

That said: SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! I carry a Tauraus M85UL .38 every day of the week. The even-more-ultra lightweight .357 makes me drool.