Friday, February 3, 2012

Something to Make You Angry...

Intrepid cub reporter Les sends in this rather infuriating story:

Details of teacher bondage photo probe emerge
Los Angeles (CNN) -- Investigators waited more than a year before arresting an elementary school teacher after finding bondage photos apparently taken in his Los Angeles classroom, but a sheriff's sergeant says, "We always had our eyes on him."

Mark Berndt, a 30-year teaching veteran, sits in jail with his bond set at $23 million on the 23 felony counts he faces of lewd acts on a child.
This man is accused of serious, heinous crimes against children. Whether he is guilty or not remains to be proven, but the article certainly indicates that the case is pretty solid. The timeline, at first blush, seems overly long: A photo processor called police in October 2010 to report disturbing photographs of children from that classroom, and yet he wasn't removed until January of 2011 - and not charged until a year later.

Reading further into the story, though, it certainly seems reasonable - the police investigation took four months, the following year saw the case strengthened before charges were filed. While the gut reaction is to lock the dude away immediately, the initial call from the photo developer would only have resulted in misdemeanor charges - and he might have destroyed evidence of more serious crimes.

As it stands, if convicted he should spend the remainder of his life behind bars, with no access to other humans save the guards that feed him and escort him to the showers. Leave him out of general population - chances are his lifespan would be measured in minutes - just keep him away from all other humans until his sentence is served. Do not put his life at risk nor the lives of the men who guard him by subjecting him to other prisoners - simply keep him away from the humans.

And then on the day he is released from prison, let the parents of the molested children at him with baseball bats.

That is all.

Another dispatch from...
(image courtesy of Robb Allen)

1 comment:

Bubblehead Les. said...

Wait until you read the followup I sent you. You might need a new Rage-o-Meter.