Friday, February 10, 2012

I Can't Tell...

...if this is the most awesome thing I've seen today, or the dumbest...

Now, I can understand the appeal of Zombie Osama bin Laden - it means we get to kill him again. But a zombie outbreak in Afghanistan? It would seem to me that a zombie outbreak in a war zone would be about the shortest-lived (dead?) outbreak in history - given the ordnance available in A-stan, zombies would have deathspans measured in nanoseconds. Let's face it - no one gives a rat's ass about the ROE when it comes to zombies...

OTOH, killing bin Laden X2 = WIN!

That is all.


Unknown said...

As bizarre as it would be to have an outbreak in Afghanistan with Osama bin Laden, it would be equally as far fetched to have it take place in Washington with Ted Kennedy as the Zombie. Everyone knows zombies eat brains, so while they would be shot to death instantly in Afghanistan, they would die of starvation in D.C.

Anonymous said...

I told my wife I wanted the DVD for my birthday. She walked away muttering.


Jennifer said...

I think it's both