Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Let's Go to the Video...

As promised from my earlier post, here's a couple videos of me drawing my Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 from the Dragon Leather works Chimaera. First up, from the back pocket:

And second, from the right front pocket, my preferred method for pocket carry:

Now, I've had this holster for less than a week. I've had a chance to work with it a little bit, but not a terribly significant amount of time. I've probably drawn from it in the front pocket a few dozen times; less from the rear. And yet it took two takes each time to get a really good, fast draw. I'll admit to a bit of practice here - while I don't (yet) do the IDPA thing, I've worked significantly on drawing from concealment.

Dennis's new Chimaera is every bit as fast as any other pocket holster I've tried.

That is all.


bluesun said...

I suppose the flat wallet look works only for the autoloaders? Or do you think it would fly for a j-frame, too?

Jay G said...

The beauty of the "cover" is that it hides the outline of a revolver as well. I'd wager Dennis could make one for a J-frame if you asked real nice...

(Heck, *I* would like one made for a J-frame!)

Dave H said...

Just when I thought it was safe to buy a Wyvern...

Did Dennis mention when he thinks he might make these available to us mere mortals?

Jay G said...

He should be announcing it soon, Dave, so it should be available for order very shortly.

Lissa said...

Psst . . . someone you know may have suggested that name for the holster ;-)

Dave H said...

Lissa: I don't suppose this shadowy person suggested a pronunciation too? In my head it sounds like /ki-MY-ra/. (A couple years of high school Latin does funny things to your head.)

Dragon said...

Heya Dave,

It should be available for purchase no lather than Sunday this weekend (Feb 5th).

Jay got the first one off the prototype, so now i need to make up a few for pictures in different styles, the finish the web page for them.

Dave H said...

Thank you sir! I'm looking forward to getting one for my incoming LC9.

John said...


Joe Texan said...

Excellent! I have the S&W Bodyguard 380, as well as a J-Frame. I think on the 5th I will be doing some shopping with Dragon.

Dragon said...

Hello Folks,

OK...a day late (well, three, actually) and a dollar short, but the Chimaera page is now up, live, and ready to take orders.

Of course, pictures are scant. I'm going to be working on samples so as to take pictures for the site, over the next week or so.

Jay G said...

Give a holler if you need/want pictures of the Chimaera with the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380. I might have a couple that you could use... ;)