Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This Thread Is Worthless Without Pics...

Heh. Was this someone we might know?

Florida woman blames her 'big breasts' for failing sobriety test
JENSEN BEACH, Fla. – A Florida woman facing DUI charges told arresting officers that her "big breasts" were responsible for her failing a sobriety test, according to a police report cited Friday by WTVJ-TV.

Maureen Jane Raymond, from Port St. Lucie, about 110 miles north of Miami, was arrested in Jensen Beach on Jan. 29 after she was noticed traveling at speed and crossing the yellow double line before parking in two spots outside a drug store.
It is simply unconscionable that such a story would be printed without accompanying pictures. Whatever has happened to responsible journalism? The next time someone tries to claim that Fox News is a reputable agency, I will refer them to this story as "Exhibit A" of their journalistic failings...

Okay, I'll stop before I make an even bigger boob of myself...

That is all.


Randall said...

I saw a booking photo. Stop your fantasies right now! Yech.


Irish said...

Randall is right... Do not google her name.. no sirree don't.

Mopar said...

5'6" and 216 lbs. Nuff said.

Jay G said...

Mopar, you say that like it's a bad thing...

BGMiller said...

Jay, this story was on Fark under the Florida tag a couple of days ago.

DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT go looking for the picture.

Teh sexy she ain't.


Sean D Sorrentino said...

5'6" and 216 lbs? It sounds like her boobs weren't the only things that were large.

Michael in CT said...

Ugh. Should have read the comments before doing a search. What has been seen, can only be unseen with significant quantities of bourbon.

I can has mind bleach now please!

Dave H said...

Oh to be 216 pounds again.

Old NFO said...

Give it up Jay :-) Now you're starting to sound like Wyatt! :-)

Lokidude said...


Jay, links because I Googled and refuse to suffer alone.

Secesh said...

The term "Holy cow" comes to mind. Yech.

Ken O said...

Trust me, for somethings there is no quantity of bourbon sufficient to erase the horror. The horror.