Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday Campaign Pic, Part 28

Missed it last week, so I had to make this week's poster extra special!

Only 9 months away!

Because America deserves the steady hand of Barack Obama at the helm...

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Heard Barry's Latest? He told NBC that he "DESERVES" to be Re-Elected.

Dave H said...

Maybe he deserves it, but do we?

Every time I see a photo of that ship I think of a caption I saw elsewhere:

BARREL ROLL: not always the right answer.

Daniel in Brookline said...

BL: Actually, it was a rare act of responsible journalism in getting him to say that. His statement from Feb. 2009: "If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition." This was quoted back to him, with the question: do you deserve to be re-elected? (No, he doesn't, but of course he's going to say yes.)

Please note, by the way, that he did NOT say he would not run for re-election, or that he would not deserve re-election. He didn't even say that he'd be a one-term president. He said "there's going to be a one-term proposition". What the heck does that mean? As usual with him, it means different things to different people... making it difficult to hold him accountable for what he says.

He's a master at the weasel phrase. That's how he got along so well for so long, being all things to all people. But that only works in words, not in deeds... and now it's his deeds for which he must answer.

His campaign will be all about covering up his deeds with words, because that's about all he can do.