Thursday, February 9, 2012

Vacation Pics...

Okay, had to lighten things up a bit with some photoblogging from the trip to Nevada. I took the family with me - the Mrs. had been to Vegas before and was eager to return, and the kids were excited about going. Las Vegas is one of those legendary places they hear about from their relatives, on TV, and even in video games; and they were excited about actually visiting the city they'd heard so much about. So without further ado, some pictures...


Yep, the Hoover Dam itself. One of the seven marvels of engineering. It's far more impressive in person, and even more so when you read about how it was built.


We were fortunate in that one of the giant turbines that generate electricity was out for repair during our tour.

Small but fast

Managed to capture this quick snapshot of this little guy while we walked to the gift shop. He was almost as quick as Caleb at SHOT...

Our hotel

That's the Luxor at night. It's pretty neat looking...

*The* Sign

The kids *had* to have their picture taken in front of the infamous "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign...

No Bloomberg *here*

BabyGirl G. actually took this picture with her camera. I thought it came out pretty nice!

Yeah, we had a pretty good time... But next year I think I'm going solo...

That is all.

1 comment:

Wraith said...

If you folks lived in Arizona, you could visit Vegas a lot more often. Not to mention Constitutional Carry, Defensive Immunity, no helmet law, and a distinct lack of snow.

Just throwin' that out there. ;)