Thursday, February 2, 2012

ZOMG! They're STEALING the Icebergs!

Heh. Spike in Gunblogger Conspiracy chat linked me to this story:

Glacier thief arrested in Chile
Climate change sceptics have acquired a new explanation for why glaciers are retreating: it's not global warming, it's theft.

Police in Chile have arrested a man on suspicion of stealing five tonnes of ice from the Jorge Montt glacier in the Patagonia region to sell as designer ice cubes in bars and restaurants.
I'm just having visions of the shady trenchcoat wearing stereotype dude going "Psssst. Wanna buy a glacier" here...

That is all.


Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

I hope no one minds but I have no intention of facing this sober.

Dave H said...

About 10 years ago I read about a guy who got rich mining Alaskan glacier ice (I presume legally) and selling it in Japan. Glacier ice has tiny pockets of air trapped in it because it's formed from compressed snow that fell 40,000 years ago. The Japanese people are fascinated with old stuff, and they pay top yen for ice that fizzes with "the whisper of the ages."

TOTWTYTR said...

Look for the guy with the wet spot in his pants. He's the one trying to sneak the glacier out.

Old NFO said... Nah, not EVEN going to comment :-)

ASM826 said...

It's a larger conspiracy than that. He's just of of thousands working for Al Gore. All over the globe, they're chiseling away at the glaciers, selling the ice to one customer and photographs of the retreating ice to another.