Diabetes doctors: NYC big-soda ban is just a start
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Doctors treating the casualties of the global obesity epidemic say an unpopular proposal to limit soda portions in New York City should be just the beginning of stricter regulation of unhealthy foods.
Public opinion polls show a majority of Americans oppose New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's plan to limit single servings of sugary drinks to 16 ounces (0.45 kilograms) at restaurants and other public venues.Okay, this part isn't particularly bad. Doctors have been against anything that tastes good since pretty much the beginning of time. I'd wager that the first caveman to try a piece of animal flesh cooked over a fire was warned by a caveman in ill-fitting scrubs about "OOG GET CANCER FROM DAT".
This part, though, sent the blood pressure spiking:
But exasperated diabetes specialists say people need even greater protections from a food industry that keeps enticing them with ever-bigger portions, as more than two-thirds of the country's adults are now overweight or obese.HATE RAGE.
Are you kidding me? It's the fault of ZOMG BIG FOOD that Americans can't stop stuffing bad food into their collective pieholes? This makes me so angry that I can't even form coherent thoughts. Look, you addlepated mushheads, no one puts a gun to fattie's head and forces them to Supersize their meal at McDonalds. Come to think of it, no one's forcing Fatty McButterpants to waddle into a McD's in the first place.
If the food's bad for you, don't eat it. It's really that simple. You can't legislate your way out of this - we eat the foods that make us fat because they taste good and we like them. Banning 16.1 ounce sodas means that we'll drink two 16 ounce drinks instead of a 32 ounce drink. Or, maybe, we'll drink 2X16 instead of 1X24, actually *increasing* our intake.
I know it's all the rage these days, but you can't legislate common sense. You can't litigate someone into self-control. You can't force people to do something they don't want to do - hell, we can't stop people from using drugs that are not only illegal to use, they're illegal to posses and illegal to bring into the country. And you're going to stop them from drinking Coke?
Good luck to you and the Red Sox, pal; you're both gonna need it...
That is all.
Because it is about freedom & personal responsibility & mind-your-own-damn-business versus I-know-better-than-you-and-therefore-must-control-you, this argument will never be over.
The other side sees absolutely nothing wrong with Soylent Green, as long as it's not super-sized bubblegum-flavored Soylent Green with a kiddie toy...because THAT would be bad!
I recall the gal interviewed by the TV news in NYC who said that she wouldn't be so fat if someone had made it harder for her. OK, here's an idea. All those folks who don't want to make decisions and take care of themselves will get a special identity card in place of their current ID or driver's license. You have to show the card every time you want to do something, like buy a soda, and the clerk will know that you are "product limited." In short, treat them like we treat 12 year-olds. Maybe even urge such folks to relocate to a single location, where they can have their decisions made for them and get special attention. Oh, and encourage the Bloombergs of the world to move there too.
And then the rest of us can get our 32 ounce diet sodas, 12" subs, and twice-a-year pizza with everything, and enjoy in peace.
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber barons cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. C.S. Lewis
Nice quote, Angus! And totally appropriate.
...and when they find out limiting capacity doesn't work because folks can have more that one... the one soda per month law will be on it's way...
Dann in Ohio
That tears it. I AM going to order a pizza tonight, in protest.
Heh. We had pizza, too...
First they ban the high-capacity cups, then they put in a one-cup-per-month limit, then...banning cups altogether.
When cups are outlawed only outlaws will have cups. They'll smuggle them across the borders...
Gee, doesn't that sound familiar?
As a fatty myself i find all of this crap stupid. I'm fat because i like to eat. No one forced me to do it and once it started to bother me i started walking more eating smaller portions. Even got a dog to make me get up and go outside more. So far I'm down 30lbs with about 100 more to go and i didnt need .gov to do anything.
Guess Common Sense really is hanging out with Elvis...no one believes it exists anymore. *sigh*
So, we have an 'obesity epidemic.' In other words, too many people have too much food to eat.
Wow, how horrific. We should go back to the old days when the primary 'epidemic' was rampant starvation. No good can come of this newfangled capitalistic prosperity.
Bastards. I NEED those higher portions. I have an insanely high metabolism, even as a 21-year-old. It takes a rather large amount of food to keep me full for 6 hours straight.
When I pay money to go to a restaurant, I go to be full for the next six hours. I can't do that if the portions are smaller because it's "for my own good". Screw you bureaucrats and your stupid intentions. If I'm hungry, I eat, and I better damn well be full afterwards.
Anyone else notice the rank hypocrisy of Mayor Bloomberg's witty intro to the 4th of July's ode to gluttony - the Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest?
Here's a guy who wages jihad on the Big Gulp soda but makes light of a guy eating 68 hot dogs in one sitting?
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