Wednesday, June 20, 2012

One More Time...

Well, in the last post about this item, someone actually guessed what the Mystery Item was. I've got one final picture for you, so if you can find the last post (not linkin'!), you should be able to piece together what this item is:

This latest picture shows the mystery item in about it's final configuration. The wood might get a coat of varnish; the metal might get a buffing; other than that, though, it's done and ready. According to its creator, I should have it in my possession by our country's birthday. I'll have better pictures then. If I can swing it, I'll even have a video of it in action...

So, one last time, who wants to guess what it is?

That is all.


Lupis42 said...


Stithjim said...

Tactical Pinata Smasher!! :D

chiefjaybob said...

Well, since Weer'd and I are both in agreement as to what this contraption is, and I am quite certain we are correct,I definitely DO NOT want to see a video of the device in action. Gross.

Fred said...

I'm still thinking a little hand cannon.

Stretch said...

Blowgun? Is it Mass. compliant?

oddball said...

Getting a bagpipe to match the kilt?

Alan said...

It's a stick!

TomcatTCH said...

magic wand of Bang Stick?

Anonymous said...

Fishing Pole handle...

Anonymous said...

I'll stand by my previous post a flag guidon.

Old Radar Tech said...

A Hand Gonne

Michael W. said...

A John Henry "Bonzo" Bonham commemorative drumstick?

Ambulance Driver said...

It's an itty, bitty, cutesy hand gonne.

Like someone took the Snubby From Hell back a few hundred years.

The Business End said...

I know this post is almost a week old, but I haven't seen a final announcement yet - so I'll throw in a guess that it could be a good old-fashioned truckers' tire knocker. Probably not, but what the hey ;)