Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Scout Is...

...industrious isn't one of the attributes, but this Scout certainly qualifies. Check out this awesome story sent in by reader Brandon:

Kansas Boy Scout Merits All 132 Badges
What do Gerald Ford, Steven Spielberg, and an 18-year-old in Leavenworth, Kansas, have in common? Each was a member of the all-American, do-good experience that is Boy Scouts.
But the achievement of Curry McWilliams stands on its own.
He is one of the few to finish the Boy Scout program with earning all 132 badges. That is six times more the amount of badges needed to fulfill the program
Okay, let me just state for the record that Curry McWilliams is officially awesome. Get that out of the way right there. Making it to Eagle, the highest rank a boy can achieve, requires the successful completion of 21 Merit badges. He literally exceeded that by nearly an order of magnitude. That's dedication right there.

As long as there are young men like Curry McWilliams out there, our nation will be fine.

That is all.


lelnet said...

Some of those merit badges are of dubious merit, frankly. But still anyone willing to do the work and put in the time to earn _all_ the merit badges is to be doubly-commended.

Sigivald said...

An order of magnitude past 21 would be 210...

Still, impressive as hell.

Bill Rosich said...

It must take a near-obsessive desire to see a achieve a goal like that. I got my Eagle at 14 years of age, but quickly petered out after that. I stuck around in Leadership Corps for a while and attended a National Jamboree as Snr. Patrol Leader, but I only earned 4-5 merit badges beyond the required 21.

Old NFO said...

Outstanding! And that took a while!!!

agg79 said...

That's some kind of dedication there. We've had a few go beyond the 21 and get a bronze or gold palm, but that kid must have a sash full of them. Outfreakinstanding!

Keystone said...

Damn, that's crazy. I had 4 palms by the time I was done, which was quite a few badges (37 or 38 total, maybe?)

I need to get myself back into scouting, it's been too long