Friday, July 13, 2012

Caution, Triskaidekaphobics!

It's the scariest day of them all, Friday the 13th! This is the day when Jason runs amok with his machete, betrays the son of G-d, and arrests the Knights of Templar. Or something like that.

Yeah. Back in 1980 I guess that was scary. I've never been able to get over the "wow, if someone only had a shotgun, this stupid movie would be over in 10 minutes" feeling - by and large, the "slasher" genre is filled with stupid people that couldn't catch a clue if they had a bucket filled with glue and a clue mating call. But I digress...

Don't visit any closed summer camps today, just to be on the safe side...

That is all,


Old NFO said...

What gun for a Freddy Kruger or a Jason??? Sawed off 12ga works for me :-)

Dave H said...

Don't visit any closed summer camps today, just to be on the safe side...

Why? I hang out there all the time and other than having to dispose of some pesky kids now and then I never have any problems.

Free-range Oyster said...

"if someone only had a shotgun, this stupid movie would be over in 10 minutes"

And that is why God gave us Larry Correia. :)

Toejam said...

Anybody interested this was the 3rd Friday the 13th this year.

January and April were the other 2.

Is that unusual?

Only in a Mayan calendar I guess.

Laura said...

Jason is impervious to projectiles from firearms. he's gotten back up from just about every hit he's taken.

MrSatyre said...

"Don't visit any closed summer camps today, just to be on the safe side..."

Or, apparently, a Christian camp in Mexico, where y'know, everyone has a gun except law-abiding civilians.