Friday, July 13, 2012

I *Know* This Will Come As A Complete Surprise...

Dogs, dead people get election docs from nonprofit
OLYMPIA, Wash. — The voter registration form arrived in the mail last month with some key information already filled in: Rosie Charlston's name was complete, as was her Seattle address.
Problem is, Rosie was a black lab who died in 1998.
Wait for it... Wait for it...
A group called the Voter Participation Center has touted the distribution of some 5 million registration forms in recent weeks, targeting Democratic-leaning voting blocs such as unmarried women, blacks, Latinos and young adults.
DING! DING! DING! We have a winner!

For Republicans to win, they have to be ahead outside the margin of cheat. When deceased canines - gone some fourteen years - are getting voter registration forms, there's something wrong. There's either gross abuse of the system, or massive incompetence. Normally, when given a choice between malice and stupidity, it's safer to choose stupidity; however, given the climate of "get in their faces" et al, I'm not inclined to write off malice so easily.

Voter registration forms for dead dogs? There's no way this could possibly be abused! But remember - the GOP hates the elderly and minorities because they want to see some modicum of caution exercised in the voting process - like, you know, showing a simple government ID to vote.

It's funny, isn't it? Liberals have no trouble demanding that I jump through all kinds of hoops, take expensive training classes and such, so that I can receive a permit to own a firearm. That's "common sense gun control", and is perfectly fine and dandy with them that I need to spend several hundred dollars in order to exercise a Constitutionally enumerated right. Yet suggest that someone need a $20-every-five-years state ID to vote and the cries of "POLL TAX" are deafening...

It's sad that the truism of "better 100 guilty men go free than one innocent man hang" has been replaced by "better 100 dead dogs vote than one illegal alien be forced to drop $20 on an ID"...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Overtly evil 'programs' like this are one of the reasons I moved from WA back to Texas.
But those poor potentially disenfranchised folks aren't even required to drop the 20 bucks - there is provision for them to not only get a free state ID card but transportation to/from the DMV but to their polling place as well (even though here in San Antonio most polling places are within walking distance..........)
Nah, they'd much rather fly an 18yoa female from here to DC to 'testify' before the folks who are attempting to invalidate the TX voter ID law - never mind that she has been too busy to go get her free ID. I guess I was just too 'stupid' to avoid holder's 'poll tax' when I moved here.............

John said...

Does one have to show ID before collecting SNAP, unemployment or other welfare payments?

As much as I'd prefer that those collecting welfare not be allowed to vote (especially for those promising to increase welfare), why not print ID info on SNAP cards?

Might save a little waste, fraud and abuse of SNAP, too!

Anonymous said...

I was in Albuquerque (like Chicago but with tortillas) and a gal was signing up everyone she could find on Central Ave. downtown. I said no, thanks I'm from out of state. "Oh, that's no problem," and she presented the clipboard. "Ma'am, I'm REGISTERED out of state and I LIVE out of state." She got the hint and trotted off to sign up the rather schnockered gent sitting on the curb by the dry-cleaner. No, she was not with the Libertarians or Greens.
