Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Gun Pr0n #275

Today's gun pic is an old friend, recently returned to the armory after an extended stay at Club York Arms:

That's a High Standard H-D military model, with an insanely accurate 6.75" bull barrel, 10 round magazine, and external safety. Approximately 150,000 were made in the immediate post-WWII period, and this one made it to my grandfather. This little beauty was one of the few handguns I inherited when he passed on, and for years and years it sat in a safe, non-functional. Oh, I'd taken it to the range once or twice, and it worked intermittently - until one day it stopped even that.

I brought it to a "gunsmith" about 10 years ago who "fixed" it by putting in a new spring and giving it a thorough cleaning. It lasted maybe one trip to the range and then promptly went back to not working, so it sat in the back of the safe until I moved it up into the top of the rifle safe, where all guns go to languish (it's where the Nylon 66 sat in pieces for 3 years...). Then I met Wally...

Last year I brought Wally two of my "hard luck" cases - this pistol and an M1 carbine. These were guns that were beyond my modest skill to repair, yet well-worth fixing and shooting, so I handed both off to his loving care. A few weeks ago we were chatting and he mentioned that it was fixed - for real this time - and that I could come get it when I came up for the reloading clinic. That's his extremely photogenic back deck it's sitting on...

This gun is easily one of the most accurate I have ever shot. Before it broke the first time, I remembered putting all 10 shots into a quarter-sized hole at 25 feet - and that's in my clumsy hands. I took it to the range for a quick function check last week, and tossed some orange clays up on the 25 yard berm - grabbed a stack of ten, then loaded a full magazine into the High Standard. When the smoke cleared, there was one clay standing - and that was because I hit one dead center and the round went clean through without breaking the clay, so I had to hit it again...

Thanks for bringing her back from the disabled list, Wally!

That is all.


Bobby said...

Very cool. Definitely a "Man with one gun" Type gun

libertyman said...

I always have liked the High Standard .22s. I will have to see about getting one now!
Nice to have the connection with your grandfather, especially.

Roger said...

I'm happy that you think well of York Arms. I just ordered a custom lower from them. 8 week delivery with nice custom touches.

Old NFO said...

That's great news, and yes they ARE accurate!!!

Jay G said...


I'll be bringing mine to the shoot next month (!!!), so you can try out one of *my* guns for a change... :)

It's scary how accurate this gun is - and I've only run Federal bulk ammo through it. I'd wager with some precision .22LR it would be even better.


I have nothing but the highest of praise for Wally and York Arms. I've been to the facility (heck, he's fed me dinner), and seen the man's handiwork up close and personal. He's a master of his craft, and I have no reservations about the quality of his work.


I'd like to bring it to Blogorado, but the sentimental value is too high to risk it "going missing"...

Nylarthotep said...

Oh yeah. I have one of those and LOVE it. I've had it for more than 10 years and it's just like you say on accuracy.

I have another model as well, but can't recall off the top of my head which one. It has larger sites which I don't like as well, but it does have a similar bull barrel.

Just need to get some extra magazines for it.

God, Gals, Guns, Grub said...

High Standards are awesome...

Dann in Ohio

Anonymous said...

So, what did wally do to fix it?

Kristophr said...

If you move out of that shithole you live in, you can get a second smaller barrel, thread it, and put a silencer on it.