Monday, July 16, 2012

What He Said...

Linoge reminds us why we should wear safety equipment.

Let me add to it:

That's from .22LR brass this past weekend. Bounced off the partition of the indoor range into my nose, just enough to take a little chip out of my schnozz. Now imagine if I hadn't been wearing eye protection and it had hit my eye instead... You can get a decent pair of shatter resistant (*NOTHING* is shatter proof) lenses for under $10 from about a billion places, including WalMart, Amazon, and every industrial supply company on the planet.

Protect your eyes (and ears) - they're the only ones you get.

That is all.


Teke said...

I was watching some new show on A&E Combat Pawn or something like that and the sales guy was testing a D.E. Took 2 .50's to the forehead and had some marks. Interestingly enough not really worse looking than your's.

NotClauswitz said...

Hey, what about us Four-eyes types?

Jay G said...

What about you?

Yankeefried said...

Four eyes: or get prescription safety glasses. They do cost more, but they are more comfortable.

Dave H said...

Home improvement stores carry eye and hearing protection as well. My favorite shooting glasses are actually aviator-style safety glasses with side shields from McMaster-Carr. They don't fog when I perspire like the wrap-around glasses do, and I can get them wide enough to fit my oversized head.

If only they sold motorcycle helmets too.

pediem said...

I caught a nasty brass burn just off to the side of my right eye a week or so ago. While it was made worse by having got caught inside the earpiece of my glasses, it could've been much worse had I not been wearing them and had it bounce off of my eye.

I've seen what can happen when people forgo the proper protection, and it's no fun having to call the ophthalmologist into the ER to fix an eye injury that could've been prevented.

Paul, Dammit! said...

Sory Jay, can't resist that photo: You were awesome this week on 'Breaking Bad.'

Teke said...

I used to have Four Eyes:
I was bad and used my glasses.
I now have contacts and use safety glasses or for outdoor use Wiley-x sunglasses.

You can get prescription inserts to go with Wiley-x safety and sun glasses as well.

It does not protect from the side though it is better than nothing.

When I took oldest daughter she wore her glasses and I didn't think about it. She is getting contacts for sometimes wear soon. For her it will be contacts and safety glasses.

Daniel in Brookline said...

An important message, Jay, and I'm sorry about the hit to your nose.

Still, I have to ask -- what's with the picture??? Did you stretch out the vertical or something? Going by that picture, I'd think you could look through a keyhole with both eyes.

In re safety goggles: I typically use them, on the theory that I'd rather replace a $10 pair of goggles than a $200 pair of glasses. I skipped them for this past weekend's Appleseed shoot; they got in the way of shooting simulated 400-yard targets. I found out I wasn't the only fool who does exactly that for just that reason.

So if you wear glasses, skip the goggles if you want... but be aware of what you're risking.

Old NFO said...

I paid the big dollars for WileyX, they saved me a couple of times. My hearing is shot from years of shooting as a kid without any ear protection (40dB down in BOTH ears)!

John Farrier said...

Jay got a cut on his nose. The brass, however, was pulverized on impact.

I use my regular glasses. I guess prescription safety glasses would be a good idea. The last time that I got new glasses, I priced safety glasses and they cost too much.

Mike Yocum said...

Ppffftttt. You cut yourself shaving.

Jerry said...

By the time I was 17, I had at least 2 summers of experience with 90# jack-hammers. Murphy still got me. Some years later I was a shop foreman, in a shop containing table saws. Murphy is one, cruel, SOB. The thing is, it ain't Murphy. He just made the law. Today, I watched a friend drive away. On a HAR, er, very large motorcycle. He was wearing flip-flops. Here's the news. Kids are stupid. So are older people, who STILL think like kids. We need to evolve. Some stupid stuff is going on. Just look at our goobermint.

doubletrouble said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
doubletrouble said...

Did you call in a Med-evac?


Tango said...

So there are some things that are shatter proof. I'm gonna plug ESS, Eye Safety Systems. Their popular demo is taking bird through a 12ga to their glasses. They won't shatter, nor penetrate. Given enough force, projectiles very well may punch through it, but they will NOT shatter into tiny pieces. And if you get shot in the face with a projectile hard enough to punch through their glasses, you have WAY better issues to worry about!

Tango said...

That was supposed to say 'bird SHOT'

chiefjaybob said...

Holy cow. With a target that big, how is it you HAVEN'T got chipped before?!!?

(Kidding. It's clearly a factor of lens distortion.)

Genuinely glad you weren't seriously hurt.

Anonymous said...

Insert humorous picture of GrouchoTac Safety Glasses with Kevlar Nose Shield here.


Ian Argent said...

I know I've pointed this out a time or two, but once you have your eyes and ears, they're useful for more than the range. I spend more time running a mower and weed whacker than I do on the range, and get way more FOD hits doing lawn work too.
Safety glasses: $10
Binocular vision: priceless

Jay G said...


That's an excellent point. I bought one of the large plastic tubs of foam ear protection to keep in my target box, and I often will grab a pair when I'm heading out to mow the lawn (I always wear plastic lens sunglasses, so the eye protection is covered).

In the cooler months, I'll use my earmuffs, because lawnmowers are LOUD. In the heat of the summer, though, I'd rather not have the extra heat on my head...

Ian Argent said...

My ears are electronic with a line-in jack; I listen to music while mowing. The heat doesn't bother me, though eventually my temples ache from the pressure of the muffs on the ear pieces of the glasses.

David said...

+1 on the ESS eye pro glasses. Sweet glasses but a little pricey. I picked up a pair because I was tired of scratching up the cheapo $10 Winchester specials from walleyworld. However I can't wear them. They wrap too closely to my head and my eyelashed brush against the lenses when I blink - very distracting.

So my daughter has them. All the shooters we hang out with tell me what I good daddy I am giving my baby the good eye protection while I continue to use the cheap stuff.

However the cheap stuff works. I had a kaboom in my 1911. It blew the mag out of the gun, cracked the grips and splattered a couple brass shards back into my face. When I was doing inventory (making sure I still had all my fingers) I discovered a brass shard imbedded in the left lens of my elcheapo shooting glasses. Picture here:

I always wore shooting glasses before that because it was beat into me by Grandpa and Dad. Those two old farts really knew what they were talking about.