Wednesday, October 7, 2009

For Those Who Scoff...

...about carrying inside the home, here's Exhibit A why I keep a sidearm handy:

4 teens held in N.H. slaying

MONT VERNON, N.H. - The four small-town teenagers arrested yesterday in the brutal killing of a 42-year-old nurse and the maiming of her 11-year-old daughter stole upon a house they chose at random, solely because of its isolation on a forested patch of land along a dirt road, prosecutors say. They came in the dark of very early morning with a knife and a machete, intent on killing anyone they found inside.

They found Kimberly Cates, who was hacked to death in her bed, and her daughter, who sustained “very, very serious injuries,’’ inside the house around 4:30 a.m. Sunday, authorities said.

This story makes me so angry I cannot see straight. For no reason apparently other than "because it seemed like the thing to do", a woman is dead; a girl is forever scarred; a family is destroyed. The father was traveling on business; he will most likely spend the rest of his life cursing himself for not being home that night, even though he would most likely have joined his wife in death.

These four kids should be tried, and if found guilty, hung to death in the town square. They should be strung up to die slowly, and their lifeless corpses left to rot in the breeze. They should not be buried, but their decaying bodies left for carrion feeders and maggots. There is simply no excuse for this; no mitigating factor for a senseless thrill killing, and we should punish this heinous act with the most severe methods possible.

Interestingly enough, I happen to know someone who lives in a house that's very similar to the one described - it's at the end of a long road in a wooded area. Had these sub-humans chose that house, instead, we'd be hearing about the four choirboys sent to their eternal reward by an angry homeowner, though. A machete is no match for a pair of 20 gauge shotguns yielded by folks who certainly know how to use them...

Four scumbags, five rounds in a J-frame. Coincidence?

That is all.


doubletrouble said...

Wow- what scumbags.

My $$ was on some nefarious activities of the "out of town" husband catching up with him & his family.

And you know what? I don't care that folks who might stop by look at me strange for wearing a pistol around here- ALWAYS.

Mopar said...

I saw that the other day I couldn't even see straight I was so mad. First because of the 4 mutants who did this for "fun", then because for a few simple things maybe this could have been prevented. Oh, and since you posted the whole grammar/spelling police thing, I'd like to point out A machete is no match for a pair of 20 gauge shotguns yielded by folks who certainly no how to use them... :P

Alan said...

I don't buy the random thing. You don't seek out an isolated house "at random".

Of course none of that matters to the point which is that you are most vulnerable when you think you are safe.

Like Breda says, "Carry your gun. It's a lighter burden than regret."


Jay G said...


I had the same sort of thought, sadly, regarding the father. It's unfortunate, but more often than not the correct way to bet...

And given your location, it's prudent to carry - anyone who comes by uninvited is either looking for trouble or to sell you something... ;)


This is one of those tough ones. I'd like to think that someone breaking into my house would give me time to react, but it's just one of those things you can never really plan for. You just have to practice everything over and over and hope that adrenaline doesn't make you make mistakes.

(speaking thereof, thanks)


I can buy "random" in the sense that random = they didn't know the family. It could have been any house out in the middle of the sticks. I'm certain that house was not chosen at random - they looked and looked for just the right place to commit their evil.

And that Breda sure says some mighty smart stuff, doesn't she?

Anonymous said...

This kind of shit is why I think the death penalty shouldn't be banned.

Instead of dying and kept from hurting anyone else for their sick idea of "fun", they're going to be rewarded with shelter and three meals a day, all on taxpayer dollars. Fuck that. People--no, monsters like them lost their right to live when they chose to ruin some lives for their entertainment.

Jay G said...


I hear you. Especially when states like MA consider "Life" to mean "15 years, unless your case falls off the radar and people forget how evil you are" and releases killers in 7-8 years.

I would drop my support of the death penalty entirely if there was an option called "Life: You Will Die In Jail with no possibility of parole. We mean it. Even 50 years later."

Because, sadly, these young men will get out. They'll serve 15-20 years each, then quietly receive parole and be set free. They might be rehabilitated; they may very well spend the rest of their lives atoning for their sins.

But they'll be alive. Kimberly Cates gets no second chance. She will never be paroled nor pardoned.

Mopar said...

Jay, I didn't just mean if she had a firearm. That's part of it, but not all. The story I had read said most people there feel (felt, past tense now) so safe they didnt bother locking their doors. Maybe if the door was locked, or there was something like firethorn planted in front of ground level windows. Or they had a dog. Or a security system. Lots of simple easy things might have prevented what happened, or at least gave her a chance to grab a firearm and fight back.

Borepatch said...

Like the scumbags would have stuck around after the first round or two from the J-frame.

What's worse was that driving back from a customer meeting this AM, the talk radio was filled with the usual idiots spouting "you're more likely to hurt your family with a gun" nonsense.

Two RCOB moments in the space of 5 minutes. This keeps up, y'all will read about me in one of Jay's "Road Rage" rants ...

Weer'd Beard said...

Jay, Does Mrs. G know how to operate whatever HD gun(s) you have?

This is a GOOD lesson for ladies to be proactive and not depend on their men for protection.

Yep this is a good reason to carry at home, and to keep some HD gun near your night stand.

Steve R said...

By all accounts the husband is a milquetoast, so I doubt there are any payback for nefarious activity. I'm wondering if these shitbags weren't initiating for MS-13 because of the machete attack or maybe Aryan Brotherhood with the swastika tatoo and shaved heads. Who knows?

I think DT and I live in the same town, two of the mutants live in the town adjacent. It especially pisses me off that many people in this area have a false sense of security because it's "so quiet out here." The victims are relatively new to the area, they were sold that false sense of security with their house. It's BS. There have been murders in each town in this area within the past ten years.
I also carry everywhere I'm legal to do so, open as often as concealed and have explained ad nauseum that my gun is not a talisman, it can happen here, etc. I want to see these murdering scum's families ruined financially as well, just because. No one just snaps, people ignore warning signs because "it can't happen here."

Reputo said...

Four scumbags, five rounds in a J-frame. Coincidence?

That is to double tap the first one, which will cause the other three to stop in their tracks, taking away the difficulty of hitting moving targets.

jumblerant said...

And if the mother had phoned the police at the first inkling of a sound in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night, those who are paid to carry and defend us? i think the results would have been the same.

The saddest part of the whole story? This is the first time that many people would have heard about this murder. No CNN, FOX or other coverage. Disgusting.