Wednesday, October 7, 2009


NOW slams Letterman for sexual liaisons with staff members
WASHINGTON (CNN) — The National Organization for Women wants CBS to recognize that David Letterman’s self-proclaimed sexual behavior with some members of his staff creates a “toxic environment” in his workplace.

“Most women can attest to the fact that many workplaces are plagued with inappropriate behavior by men in power,” the advocacy group said on Tuesday. “The latest Letterman controversy sheds new light on the widespread objectification of women in the workplace.”

I guess they figure that since more than eight years have passed since they last carried water for Bill Clinton, they can openly attack men in positions of power who have sex with their subordinates again. For eight years they were curiously silent as accuser after accuser surfaced, each with a similar tale of humiliation and predation at the hands of Governor or President Clinton. They remained silent even when the stained blue dress forced the issue of inappropriate relationships with underlings.

And now they want their credibility back? Nope. Sorry. It doesn't work that way folks. You either stand for ALL women - conservative, liberal, or otherwise - or you shut the hell up and fold the damn tent. For eight long years NOW picked and chose which victims to believe and which victims to ignore, allowing some to fall by the wayside as political allies of the president assailed their character. They allowed the political leanings of the victim - and the accused - dictate their response. For that, they deserve to be consigned to the remaindered bin of the victim's advocacy groups.

Sorry gals. You threw away whatever moral high ground you might have had with "Drag a $100 bill through a trailer park".

That is all.


Bram said...

Roman Polanski is still good, right? Just checking, it's hard to follow.

Weer'd Beard said...

I do believe NOW also went against Letterman for the Willow Palin flap.

Sabra said...

Yeah, picking and choosing whom to support based on political leanings is all-too-common for a lot of mainstream feminists. I recall checking out Full Frontal Feminism (I think that was the title) from the library and putting it down after coming across the line "Friends don't let friends {screw} Republicans." Huh. So apparently I cannot be a conservative and a feminist. Guess which one's more important?

Old NFO said...

Bram beat me to it... and Sabra is dead on the money... damn, I don't even have a comment now... :-(