Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Gun Pr0n #181

Well, I hinted at the latest addition to the G. armory earlier this week. My last hint in comments pretty much gave it away, and it was actually guessed correctly:

New Gun Revealed

Smith & Wesson model 27-2 .357 Magnum. This is the target version, complete with 8 3/8" barrel, target trigger and hammer, white outline rear sight and red ramp insert front ramp. The barrel is pinned, the cylinder is recessed, and the rosewood grips may or may not be original (they're at least S&W grips). This is an N-framed revolver, which was the largest frame Smith & Wesson offered until the X-frame upon which the S&W 500 and 460 are based came out in 2003.

This is officially the largest handgun I possess, with the larger N-frame just barely beating out the K-framed model 17. This has been one of my "grail" guns since getting the model 17 - the 17 has been a favorite and consistent range companion ever since I got it, with the long sight radius allowing for very accurate shooting (even in my admittedly amateur hands). I expect that the 27 will share the same accuracy and shootability as the 17, with the larger frame and overall heft taming even the most raucous .357 Magnum rounds.

Now all I need is a model 29 with the same treatment to complete the set, as I don't believe S&W made a model 19 with the long barrel and target accoutrements...

That is all.


Brad_in_IL said...


That's a strikingly good looking acquisition. Well done, sir. {skulks away in fit of jealousy}

- Brad

Ancient Woodsman said...

I do not recall an 8 3/8" 19, but they did put out a 19 in 6" with all the target "accoutrements", at least for a few years in the early 80's. Keep up the hope and you might find one.

Thanks for sharing the pics of the 27. You are one lucky man! Have fun with it.

libertyman said...

Hey -- I guessed the frame right!

Weer'd Beard said...

Man that looks MIGHTY close to Dirty Harry's .44 we handled in NC.

All the bells and whistles, but an affordable caliber!

Old NFO said...

Purty... :-)

TheAxe said...

+1 to what Ancient Woodsman said, I got one a couple weeks ago :D Target sights and trigger, 6" barrel. Like new, made 1997 pre-MIM. It's like my model 17 but with a slightly longer cylinder and a heavier though equally smooth trigger.

I want to find where I put my spare target grips from the 17 to put on the 19. The 27 looks fantastic though. I'll bet it's a blast and shoots like a laser!

Brad_in_IL said...


Don't say "laser" in front of Jay. He'll probably want to put a laser on the '27. In fact, he'll probably want to put a laser and a bayonette on it. The horror.

Jason said...

Nice hogleg!

Bubblehead Les. said...

About a year ago, I found a 19-3 with the target setup and a Magna-port job, but it was done on a 4 inch barrel. But for $400, which was probably $200 less than what it retailed for back in the Day, it just had to come home with me from the gun show. So nice, it's in my nightstand. But I do need to find an 8 inch barrel for my Dan Wesson, you know, the 357 they used to make in Massachusetts back when it was a Free State?

Gay_Cynic said...

Now you need a nice 25-5 in .45LC to fill out your collection....

TheAxe said...

Have I mentioned your new Model 27 is gorgeous?

Cowboy Blob said...

What G_C said, or a nice 625 in God's own .45 ACP.

Just got Mod 10-5 yesterday to keep my two N-frames company.

Wordverf: quffed

Rabbit said...

Wow. That's really a fine acquisition! Congratulations!