Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Diogenes Could Wander Forever in the Swamp...

90 DC workers face firing for unemployment fraud

WASHINGTON – About 90 District of Columbia workers have been suspended and may be fired after officials determined they received unemployment checks while holding city jobs.

The Washington Post reports Monday that another 60 former D.C. workers have cashed unemployment checks they were not entitled to.
That's 150 people receiving fraudulent checks that have been caught. Who knows how many hundreds or thousands of others there are; folks that haven't been caught yet either because they're more clever or less greedy. It's possible that some of the folks made honest mistakes; however the likelihood that 150 people got erroneous checks - some for as much as $20,000 - is pretty unlikely. It's pretty interesting, too, that they were caught collecting unemployment while on the District's payroll - and were not fired immediately. Then again, this is the same place that re-elected Marion Barry even after "bitch set me up"...

It does beg the question: what would a DC employee have to do to get fired on the spot - well, other than vote for a Republican, that is...

That is all.

Another dispatch from...

(image courtesy of Robb Allen)


Bubblehead Les. said...

"What would a DC employee have to do to get fired on the spot...?"

Apply for a Concealed Carry License?

Weer'd Beard said...

Given that they're so greedy and dishonest these people are they must be Republicans (Rethuglacans as the blogs call them) and for this to go on many of their co-workers had to be agreeable to it, so Rethugs to them too.

So it looks like the deck is stacked for the GOP.

Let's have a little Gentleman's wager, If Obama carries DC (which obviously he can't) you give me your M&P45, The GOP carries the district (a given) I'll buy you a Les Baer of your choosing and arrange the transfer.

Man I'm stupid for making this bet, but you in?

Lissa said...

This stuff is beyond parody,seriously.

Stretch said...

Sharron Pratt Kelly served as DC mayor between Barry terms (rehab don't you know).
One payday Mayor Kelly ordered all DC school employees to physically sign for their paychecks. You'll be shocked (Shocked!) to learn that the well over 100 paychecks (all normally direct deposit) not signed for were being issued to ghosts.
Kelly also took measures to clean up other DC departments. Needless to say she did not survive a re-election bid by Barry (rehab works!).