Saturday, February 11, 2012


Okay, it's been three weeks since I got back from SHOT Show, and I finally finished up the last of my followups. I've already got a few items on their way for T&E review; I'm hoping to have more in the upcoming weeks to add to the Product Review offerings here. There's also some other projects in the works, to be announced in the coming weeks, that I'm really excited about being a part of.

2012 is really shaping up to be a great gunnie year!

That is all.


Dave H said...

2012 is really shaping up to be a great gunnie year!

Let's hope it stays that way until November.

For a guy who only just started shooting last year, I'm pretty pleased with how this year's going so far. Got my Florida permit, got a couple new pistols (including a sentimental favorite, a bicentennial Ruger Mark 1 - Dad always wanted one), and got a Chimaera holster on order with Dragon Leatherworks.

The only way this can get better is if the city council announces they're building a public firing range in the vacant field out back. But this is New York, so that's a bit much even for me to hope for.

Julie said...

lucky you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to have to get my butt to the range sometime soon before they come and take my guns away :(