Friday, February 3, 2012

Just When You Thought It Was Safe...

Oh lord. As if the 2012 elections weren't enough of a farce...

Roseanne Barr seeks Green Party presidential nod
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Roseanne Barr said Thursday she's running for the Green Party's presidential nomination - and it's no joke.

The actress-comedian said in a statement that she's a longtime supporter of the party and looks forward to working with people who share her values. She said the two major parties aren't serving the American people.

She's pulling the "99%" bullshit, and what's just striking are three things:

1. If she really thought she was part of the "99%", she wouldn't care about the media coverage, because she'd win in a landslide;

2. She's a real "woman of the people", what with her 46 acre macadamia nut farm on Hawaii; and

3. Certainly this has nothing to do with her acting career going the way of the dodo...

The Green Party, home of Ralph "I got my suit out of a Pringles can" Nader and Cynthia "RAVING SPACE LOON JOOOOOOOOS" McKinney. These are folks so nutty they get calls from the John Birch Society imploring them to calm down. This is a party that has consistently received zero electoral votes, which - to borrow a line from Dennis Miller - is the same number *I* got, and I didn't even run...

Ah, Roseanne, proving that you really will do anything for a laugh...

That is all.


bluesun said...

...Nut farm. Teehee.

Bubblehead Les. said...

But keep in mind this, Jay: If Nader hadn't run, do you really think that the 1 million "Treehuggers" would have stayed home or voted for Bush? C'mon, you KNOW we would have had President Al Gore on 9/11.

Why do you think Algore is such an Environmental Wacko? Every night, he probably goes to bed thinking "...if I had only been more Green , I'd have been President."

3rd parties can't win in our modern system, but they sure can split Votes and cause others to lose. Just ask Bush the Elder.

Okay, so Bush the Elder shot himself in the foot, but Perot didn't help!

Weer'd Beard said...

If she gets anywhere near 10% we'll be seeing that photo of her grabbing her moose-knuckle and spitting that night some idiot asked her to "Sing" the national Anthem.

Still it WOULD be refreshing to have a President who hates America and ADMITS TO IT!

Veeshir said...

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I ever found her attractive but...

She's a lot uglier these days.

You can just see the hate etched on her face.
When she had her show, you could that the natural look for her face was a smile, now it's a frown, anger and hate.

Hate really messes up your face.

Turing word, "antivi" heh.

AuricTech said...

I think she means that her body mass is about equal to the total body mass of the 99%.

WV-winsniz: When Roseanne steps on a statue's foot, the statue winsniz.

Anonymous said...

Dunno, sounds like a fun alternative to voting for oromneycare...

Dave H said...

Roseanne in the Green Party?

Not someone I want to picture as the Earth Mother.