Sunday, February 5, 2012

MArooned Five Second Movie Review

Jurassic Park: Did NOT pass the test of time...

That is all.


Old NFO said...

LOL, methinks somebody did NOT like the movie either time! :-)

Jay G said...

Second time watching it, all I could think of was "what caliber for T-Rex?"

greg said...

Oh, see...I still love it. I mean, don't get me wrong...its realistic dino's don't hold up as well as the rubber shark in Jaws, but it's still an entertaining movie.

I always thought if you took some folks from the 1970's, and showed them Jurassic Park, or some of the increasingly common place CGI dino's from the Walking with Dinosaur's shows that my daughter likes, you would have them believing they are real.

Garrett Lee said...


It's obvious. .577 Tyrannosaur. What else?

Stretch said...

Saw JP at The Uptown's 70mm screen.
Fifth row center.
You knew it was a D.C. crowd when the T. Rex first started looking around and the chant started:
"Eat the lawyer! Eat the lawyer!"

What Caliber? The .950 JDJ of course.

Jay G said...

And just to clarify: I meant that the technology showcased that - for 1991 - was cutting edge, but now looks sad and outdated.

Kinda like watching Star Trek The Original Series and seeing the flip out communicator... Or the Dick Tracy Two-way Wristwatch...

The computer graphics have advanced since JP, but it's more the computer technology shown as well as people still smoking, the brand new Ford Explorers, the IR goggles, etc.

Stuff that - again, for 1991 - was so incredibly new and high tech as to be nearly magical is now routine and commonplace.

What a difference 20+ years makes, eh?

Weer'd Beard said...

I read the book first, so I hated the movie.

BTW since T-Rex was likely closer to an Ostrich than to and Elephant, they probably weren't as heavy and tough as one might expect.

I'd imagine any big-game hunting cartridge would be just fine.

.300 Win Mag is probably just fine...all the cartridges traditionally used on cape buffalo and black rhino should do the trick quite constantly.

And hearing the story from the Ohio incident where the nut freed all the exotic animals, I suspect your VEPER or my FAL could drop one...but probably not with just a single-shot.

Bräuista said...

My formal response to Jay's review: